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Author: Subject: Proper Bridle Lengths for Crossfire II
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[*] posted on 11-10-2009 at 04:10 PM
Proper Bridle Lengths for Crossfire II

I'm looking for the proper measurements for the Crossfire II bridles. I thought I saw it here on the forum at one point but I can't seem to find it, does anyone have a link that will help?

I'm not sure if the bridles are incorrect or not, but I really feel like I'm not getting the performance out of my 5m that I should be so I thought I'd start by checking the bridle settings. If those are correct, then I guess it's down to not knowing how to fly the kite well!

Thanks for the help!
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[*] posted on 11-10-2009 at 04:53 PM

Dont know about the bridle lenghts, but the crossfire absolutely needs to be turned using mostly brake inputs. If not, it will try to roll itself into a pretzel at the edges of the window.

Once you figure that out, it flies great! Powerful and quick. Just have to get into 'brake mode'.

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[*] posted on 12-10-2009 at 11:01 AM


I'll have to try flying it on just brakes. I've definitely noticed some trouble at the edge when steering with the power lines so that's what initially got me thinking that there was some bridle setting that wasn't right. Hopefully in the next few days I'll be able to get out and try brake flying. What knot would you suggest putting the brake lines on?
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[*] posted on 12-10-2009 at 11:08 AM

The very first few CF II's that hit the market had bridles that were mis-adjusted in the "low lift setting", but this was corrected before a lot of kites went out. If you think yours could have been of that batch, there are instructions available for the fix. Except for that possibility, I doubt it is the bridle and I think Akulakat has it right on.

The right knot for the brake adjustment will depend on wind speed- the faster the tighter. you will have to experiment to see what is right for your style.

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[*] posted on 13-10-2009 at 11:07 AM

Okay, I'll try using just the brakes next time I'm out. Hopefully that will sort everything out. If it does, I may attach the CF to my PL depower bar that I've got for my phantom, that would be cool... : )
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[*] posted on 13-10-2009 at 11:30 AM

Being a four-line-biased kite, the CF is not recommended on control bars, and this is not a de-power kite. That being said, putting it on a de-power bar would kind of like the Ozone Turbo bar, but minus the amplified brake inputs that the Turbo's pulley system provides. I flew a Reactor - another four-line-biased kite - on a Turbo bar and it kind of worked. You are going to have to hold the brake tension juuuuuuust right, and you likely won't have good turning speed. Stick with handles until you know the kite well, then maybe experiment.

Angus Campbell
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[*] posted on 13-10-2009 at 11:34 AM

Good advice, thanks. Yes, if I can get the CF figured out on the handles I may hook it up to the depower bar sometime. I tried the PL bar on my brothers CF I 4m and it actually increased the performance of the kite over the handles that came with it.
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[*] posted on 13-10-2009 at 01:20 PM

hello mate i have a 4m and a 6.5m crossfire2, i find putting the brake lines on the third knot is the best, i have flown the 4m in 24-27mph winds on the fourth knot and found the brake lines far too tight making the kite a real pain to launch. In lighter winds you could probably get away with the brake lines on the second knot i don't bother changing though as 3rd knot works well for me (on both bridle settings). Crossfires definately need to be flown on the brakes. If you are still having problems then google 'Invento-HQ-forum'. I have found HQ customer service to be top class, give them a couple of days to reply to any posts.



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[*] posted on 17-10-2009 at 10:58 AM

I had the opportunity to go out and fly recently and try out all the brake-only turns with my CF 5m. I'm not positive on this, but I think it helped quite a bit. I was trying to compare the flying characteristics to a session that I had last weekend with the kite using the regular pull turns. I think I had less wind on this recent session than I did last weekend and yet I was able to get some 200 ft runs on my landboard in about 10mph of variable winds.

Thanks for the tip, and I'll definitely be doing more experiments with this when it stops raining and I've got some wind!
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