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Author: Subject: Flysurfer Speed 2 in 12M or 15M?
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[*] posted on 23-10-2009 at 01:30 PM
Flysurfer Speed 2 in 12M or 15M?

I've been doing a whole lot of static flying this summer in preparation for kite skiing this winter, and I would like to jump (no pun intended) into depower kites. I'm new to depower kites, and from what I've read online, I've narrowed down the kites to a Flysurfer Speed 2 or Psycho 4. My budget is around 1300, so I'd like to find one used somewhere.

Do you think the 15M would be too big for everyday use or how about in big winds? What would you recommend for a guy who's looking for big air and hangtime?

Appreciate the advice, thanks!
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Mood: Light winds Summers are Fine with Big Kites!

[*] posted on 23-10-2009 at 03:06 PM

First we need to know how much you weigh, snowboard or skis... Maybe snow depth... winds you get or want to kite in...?

The SP 15 is powerful, so for lighter winds for most... I may have an 15m SP 2 coming up for sale... trade in. I even fly the 19m in winter when the wind is lighter (Saves the day) even at 150lbs. The 15 or 19 will be the floatiest kite and easiest for smooth, easier to learn jumps...

On a 19m here, Snowboard... See the float... even when light.

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Junior Member

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Registered: 22-10-2009
Location: Fremont, CA
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[*] posted on 26-10-2009 at 12:04 PM

I'm about 175 pounds, and looking to get into kite skiing. There's no snow here yet, but hopefully soon! I got a great deal from Domdino for a Flysurfer15M SA2. Can't wait to get going!

PBKiteboarding, your videos are inspiring! What's the secret to holding the camera while flying the kite?
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