2010 Ozone Frenzy FYX Snowkiting Sun and Fun Tail dragging Video
One fun day on the Ozone Frenzy FXY 11m. I've been snowkiting
with these for years and they keep getting better... The 11m is
quick for it's size. The stiff slim bridals really helps on missed
tricks when the kite goes down, never a tangle so far. The front
X bridal also helps prevent bow ties...
Sharing the Snowkiting Stoke !!
On the Aboards 155cm Sweet!
OR Session harness for no ride up!
I see you ride Ozone...
Do you have any riding video?... would be great to see...
Share the Stoke...
Some may not watch all threads...
So it's for Snowkiing in the Snowkiting Section
and the Frenzy Kite itself Kites and accessories
and one guys mentioned the OR Harness and I happen to be using it in this vid...