With no idea of your experience with kites, I'll just start from the beginning...
The opening of the kite's cells (where the air enters and fills the kite) is the front of the kite or rather the kite's leading edge.
The side with all the lines (bridles) faces the pilot. These lines should divide into 2 groups each ending at one point where the fly lines connect.
Assuming your fly lines are of equal length, you should connect your fly lines to the kite's bridles and unroll the lines completely to the
handles. Then stretch out the kite allowing the cells to fill with air (leading edge pointing skyward).
Return to your handles and pull both lines together rising the kite into the air. Pull left - the kite loops left. Pull right - the kite loops right.
Land the kite by flying it off to one side and allow it to drift to the ground.
Be advised that the quality of fun you will experience flying your kite is directly linked to the quality of the kite itself. There are many foils on
the market so if you are having trouble with the Thunderbird, I suggest shopping for a better kite before giving up on kiting altogether.
Happy to answer more questions as they arise.