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Author: Subject: Quadrifoil Competition X vs Kitesurfer X?
Grand Pubah

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[*] posted on 16-2-2003 at 06:57 AM
Quadrifoil Competition X vs Kitesurfer X?

Copied from old forum:

September 19 2000

I'm looking forward to my next tractionkite purchase. Need a bigger kite for buggying, but I might even try some kitesurfing in a not too distant future. How about the Comp X series? Can I use these kites for surfing? Or should I go for the Kitesurfer X series? I've been flying the Q2000 series and I really like these foils, but I want better upwind penetration, more power, more speed and what not...


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Grand Pubah

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[*] posted on 16-2-2003 at 06:57 AM

Copied from old forum:

September 19 2000

>How about the Comp X series? Can I use these kites for surfing?

the competition series can be used for surfing, but i wouldn't advise it. there will certainly be a point (especially while learning) that you will dump it in the water. a water relaunchable kite is the difference between getting right back up in the air for more surfing or swimming to the beach and packing it in for the day.

i have been using the "kitesurfer" series for both land and sea. it takes a moment to get them inflated, but then you are good to go for hours.
both the competition and the kitesurfer are higher performance than the Q2000. they are more powerful and have better up-wind performance (therefore lose a bit of edge stability).

check this site for more info:

good luck!

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Grand Pubah

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[*] posted on 16-2-2003 at 06:59 AM

Copied from old forum:

September 21 2000

How much more pull can I expect to get from a Comp XL or a KS XL than a Q2004? How do they perform in slightly lighter winds? Being a light weight pilot (65kg) I don't think I need a REALLY large kite...

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Grand Pubah

Posts: 565
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[*] posted on 16-2-2003 at 06:59 AM

Copied from old forum:

September 23 2000

the degree of pull between the 2004 and the xl is hard for me to answer as it has been too long since ive flown the 2000 series. im better able to comment on their performance.
the comp and kitesurfer series offer a larger power window resulting in better upwind performace on a buggy or surfboard. 2000's are good cuz they are slow and stable, but the x's out perform them in speed and handling.
for your weight, an xm and xl will carry you in most wind situations. they also make an xs that is good to have for high wind days. my girlfriend used the xm and xs exclusively and rolls just fine on all but the lightest winds.


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