So, I'm now flying the new kite with the fifth line but am a little confused on one issue. The 5th line has its own clam cleat system separate from
the depower I think it affects lift a little bit. Anyone have recommendations on where to set it, or should I just keep playing around with it, I've
never had a 5th line.
Kiteboarding Team Rider
Looking For:
cheap old c kites in good shape
What I Fly:
Flysurfer Speed 3 19m, Switch Legacy2 12 and 9m, Radsail Sport 5m, HQ Beamer 1.8m
What I Ride:
mbs core 90, Cabrinha Rival 145, Cabrinha Ace 133
Go big or go home!
1920 Club
Established 1992, Flying multi-lines since 2001