While I encourage you to learn and join us all, I would be very, very suspect about free equipment. If it's good enough to ride on, people are still
riding on it. If it is being given away, there is pretty much a guarantee that it will have a problem of some kind.
This is not to say that you cannot learn on shoddy older stuff, I certainly did, but you are risking your safety by doing it.
Find any & all wind sports stores in your area, and find out if they have any swap meets or the like. This is how I got my first non-trashy kite,
a Slingshot Fuel 12m complete for $175, at a swap meet. The seller wanted to go home, and he accepted my totally low-ball offer.
TL : DR version - free stuff is suspect and will make learning difficult(but not impossible), and you can risk your health by relying on old safety
Absolutely the best of luck to you, and I do hope you can move forward in the sport, with a minimum of injury.
Tide? What's a tide? Man, it's 1000 miles to any ocean.