The Nokia Push project is a celebration of ingenuity and open technology, and we’ve developed a prototype designed to work with the Nokia N8 that push
the boundaries of what the device can do. Check out the Push KAPing (Kite Aerial Photography) prototype video!
By using two Nokia N8s that communicate with one another, filmmakers can now fly one from a kite rig whilst using another on the ground to not only
see, but also control exactly what is being shot in full HD from above.
We now have 4 PUSH KAPing prototypes to give away to anybody who can inspire us with a creative treatment of what they would do with one. We've
created this film to show what's possible. What would you do with it?
I think the Team Halfbreed duo of Todd/Corey could do amazing work with a setup like this. Maybe Wildwood from two perspectives! They get my vote!
(not that it counts for anything!) :tumble:
Bob Lussier
OUTLAW KITER 1.4M Beamer III, 2M Beamer IV,2M
Toxic HQ , 7.5MApex III, HQ, Quadrifoil XXXL (9.66M), NPW5 2.4,4.8m,
NPW9 7.6M (BIGSISTAH),NPW9 12MGREENMONSTER(km4), P L Comp ST buggy,PL Bigfoot+
buggy, Atomic Alibi Snowboard, Protec Knee/Elbow Pads & Helmet, Seirus wristguards, Demon crash shorts, LaCross chest/shoulder pads.
(tryin\' to be safe!)
Thanks Bob, I'm already on it! I sent an order in to Rian for a Flow Foil 7.0 Sled last week and purchased a KiteHero off of Ebay last night! This is
EXACTLY what I had planned for the bash... oh well cats out of the bag now.
There could be a lot of application for this!
Nokia still has the largest share of cell phones in the world.
Their (non-phone) Internet Tablet was out 2 years before the iPhone and developed an early form of hand held video calling.
Their brighter, sharper screen blew away everyone else - until quite recently.
Nokia has/had the potential to develop and bring any innovation to the market....but they just haven't realized it yet.