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Author: Subject: What size kite should i buy?
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question.gif posted on 20-9-2010 at 07:49 PM
What size kite should i buy?

Hello, im looking to buy my first proper power kite (which i want to be able to use for land boarding one day) but im unsure of what size i would require. Im a 16 year old girl and im fairly tall and weigh about 65kg, if that helps. Don't underestimate me too much because im a girl, i do lots of swimming training and have lots of arm strength, so take that into account a bit. i want to get i kite now and buy a land board when i think i am good enough at controlling the kite (so maybe next year). so i want something that i will be able to control, but still has enough pull to eventually use for landboarding. I have read other posts where people have suggested 3 or 4 meter kites for beginers, but i presume that is directed at heavier and stronger males.
What about a 2m kite? Would that generate enough pull for landboarding? Do you think someone of my weight could handle a 3?
I would really like to get something that i won't 'grow out of', even if it is a bit harder to begin with.
Anyway, thank you sooooo much for taking the time to read this and any advice you give will be much appreciated :)
p.s. please tell me if my plan sounds ignorant and im unaware of something. i've done lots of research but im still fairly new to the topic :) thank you!
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 08:03 PM

a picture would help .... j/k

3m is the general rule, however i'd still suggest a 3m for anyone and just watch your wind conditions closely.

trying to landboard in your growing stages with a 2m is impossible unless you have nukin winds. if you planned to buggy over landboard than the 2m would have been the better choice. ie, rolling resistance

before someone mentions I didnt say it : safety gear is a must

.... Daskirtz the floor is yours for the next 3 weeks in my absense. :P

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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 08:16 PM

okay thanks, that really helps. Im still really doing i lot of looking around before i buy anything but what do you think about this beginners package-
Package includes:
-MBS Core 90 Kite Landboard
-Ozone Imp Quattro 3.5m Power Kite and Flying lines
-Ozone Imp 4-Line Handles or Ozone Flow Control Bar with Wrist Leash Safety System

Im from australia, hence i've been mainly looking on 2 australian sites. This deal is from 'Kitepower Australia'.
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 08:19 PM

oh yes, and you needn't have mentioned it :) my parent will ensure that i am... what's the phase? something to do with cotton wool. oh well you understand ;) got it covered, thank you for your concern ;)
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 08:35 PM

You might want to lurk in the For Sale section of http://www.extremekites.com.au/forums/

Boards and kites trade hands with a fair amount of frequency.

Since I can't gig Rip for not talking about safety gear :P What are the winds typically like where you will be flying.


"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12 - Jesus, does anyone?" - The Body by Stephen King
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 09:06 PM

sorry im not up with all the wind jargon, so i can't really answer you with the speed in notts of what ever it is :) umm ill be flying at my farm, i don't know, typically, well i guess it varies a lot like any where i suppose. Theres usually always a strong breeze blowing around these parts, at least always a light breeze but theres not crazy wind to often. well that probably doesn't help you come to a conclusion but its the only way i can describe it. :)
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 09:21 PM

A way to gauge approximate wind speed:

Although this one tends to make me smile more:

At least it sounds like the farm might give you a good field to fly on.


"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12 - Jesus, does anyone?" - The Body by Stephen King
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 09:43 PM

Yeah i'll just have to steer clear of the sheep :S thank you those links were very informative, particularly the later ;) so do you have different reccomendations for kite size depending on those wind levels? i reckon judging by the scales about 7 would be the highest ive ever seen here on a stormy day. (but don't worry im not planning to go out in that) probably around 4 (moderate breeze- 11-15 kn) i think :) thanks
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 09:53 PM

oh and thanks dylan thats really helpful, are you judging that on you own experience are you? pfft , i guess there are some people who lead such pointless lives that they are forced to try and make fun of people on the internet for some sense of enjoyment! (cough (never going to get a girlfriend you sexist pig) cough)
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 10:31 PM

As long as you are careful about the winds you go out in, you should be fine with a 3 meter. If you are leery about that, you can always drop down to a 2.4/2.5, specifically a Flexifoil Sting 2.4 or Rage 2.5. If you are in the market for a 3M some kites to consider would be a HQ Beamer, Ozone Imp, Ozone Flow or Peter Lynnn Hornet.

All these are stable kites that don't get to lifty.

Initially you will have better control of where the kite is in the sky with handles rather than a control bar. The kites position in the sky will control how much power it generates.

By the time you are ready to kite with a board, you will be comfortable enough to move to a larger kite which will generate enough power to move you while you are on the board. Generally you will be able to handle a more power once your are in motion, as some of the power that you have to brace against while flying static (without a board, buggy or skates) will be used to move you.

You might still want to hold onto you initial kite as when the winds picks up you will want to drop down in kite size to keep from being overpowered.

Hope that helps.


"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12 - Jesus, does anyone?" - The Body by Stephen King
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 10:49 PM

thanks indie, that's given me i good idea about the size i need. yeah i've been looking at some different ozone kites, i was interested in the quattro but i don't know, im not making any decisions yet, at least i've got more of and idea of what size i would be able to handle now :) Thank you
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 11:18 PM

thanks for your imput dylan, we all feel sorry for you as we understand you are trying to compensate for 'something' with your hilarious comments :duh:
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Julz_94
we all feel sorry for you as we understand you are trying to compensate for 'something' with your hilarious comments

Sometimes, when one has scared away all the young sheep away and caused the older ones to pass out from fits of laughter (and, yes pointing), one simply must, must have something to fall back on.... again and again and ad nauseum.

Generally PKF has a much lower bozo quotient... sorry, you caught us on a bad day, Julz.


"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12 - Jesus, does anyone?" - The Body by Stephen King
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 11:48 PM

haha yes we must feel sorry for him, it is uncurable i hear. ;)
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[*] posted on 20-9-2010 at 11:54 PM

Hey Julez, that Dyllan473 just started an account and is writing questionable things everywhere. Pay no attention.

16m Slingshot Fuel
16m Naish X4
15m PL Synergy
11.5m Best Kahoona V2
3m Beamer III
GI Conflict
3B Kiteboard
Burton Custom
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 12:03 AM

yeah i saw that he's like ripping off some one elses account. :dunno: thanks
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 12:18 AM

Yes Dyllan423 is a good guy with lots to contribute.

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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 02:34 AM

Originally posted by Julz_94
thanks indie, that's given me i good idea about the size i need. yeah i've been looking at some different ozone kites, i was interested in the quattro but i don't know, im not making any decisions yet, at least i've got more of and idea of what size i would be able to handle now :) Thank you

Ozone kites are awesome. I like the Flow a bit better than the Imp though. As people have said, a 3m is generally a good starting place for most people whether male or female. A 2m is going to be difficult to use with a landboard in anything other than the most insane conditions. Even a 3m might be on the small side most days, but it will get you an excellent intro to power kiting and will be your main kite for days when the winds speeds really pick up. I did my first landboarding at a beach with a 3m in 25 mph winds (sand requires a bit more power than short grass) and I'm about 70kg.

Please forgive us the moron. I'm not sure where he came from as he's the first one I've seen here. Well, okay, there have been some others, but never at that level. :ticking:

"I gave up on wind speeds... its either crappy, gravy, epic, or stupid... in that order"

Ozone: Imp III Quattro 1m and 1.5m, Flow 2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m.
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 02:59 AM

Hey Julz am an aussie I live in the blue mountains.

Go to extreme kites there is a section for each states kiters to hook up for sessions.

As a matter of fact a get together called Kiteober will be held at Stockton Beach on the 22/23 October

They are a good mob very informative and very helpful

Experience is something you get, just after you need it!

Kites I own

PKD Century 1.8
PL ViperS 2.6
PL Reactorl ll 2.2
PL Vapor 2.7m
PL Reactor 4.9m
PL Vibe 1.6
HQ Apex 3m
HQ Apex 5m
Ozone Cult 3.5
Flexifoil Rage 2.5

PL bug
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 03:09 AM

Julz an example of whats for sale on Extreme Kites

Hi All,

I'm going through my kites and clearing out the ones I don't use anymore, no point hanging onto them

Fixed Bridles
Ozone Fury 3m = $250 ... great condition
Ozone Cult 3.5m = $285 ... near new
Ozone Riot 9m = $400 ... great condition, ultimate low wind


Experience is something you get, just after you need it!

Kites I own

PKD Century 1.8
PL ViperS 2.6
PL Reactorl ll 2.2
PL Vapor 2.7m
PL Reactor 4.9m
PL Vibe 1.6
HQ Apex 3m
HQ Apex 5m
Ozone Cult 3.5
Flexifoil Rage 2.5

PL bug
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John Holgate
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 03:10 AM

Hi Julz, - 3m Flow is a bit better kite than the Imp Quattro. Not that the Quattro is a bad kite! It was my first kite. Check your u2u inbox. I've also found Goshen & Steve great to deal with at Kitepower. And Jason up at Briskites has been great too.



Libre Vmax, Alloy Vermin buggy.
Ozone Access/Method/Riot/Imps/
Born-Kite Nasa Star 2's & 3. Born-Kite Long Star 3,5,7m. Peak 2 6m.
My Music is available here: http://www.soundclick.com/members/default.cfm?member=jbholga...
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 01:18 PM

this idiot needs a case of the banning stick

this crap is not appropriate

Experience is something you get, just after you need it!

Kites I own

PKD Century 1.8
PL ViperS 2.6
PL Reactorl ll 2.2
PL Vapor 2.7m
PL Reactor 4.9m
PL Vibe 1.6
HQ Apex 3m
HQ Apex 5m
Ozone Cult 3.5
Flexifoil Rage 2.5

PL bug
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John Holgate
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 02:22 PM

edit: outdated post referring to 'Dylan' (who is evidently not Dylan after all) whew! thank goodness that mess is cleaned up!

Libre Vmax, Alloy Vermin buggy.
Ozone Access/Method/Riot/Imps/
Born-Kite Nasa Star 2's & 3. Born-Kite Long Star 3,5,7m. Peak 2 6m.
My Music is available here: http://www.soundclick.com/members/default.cfm?member=jbholga...
And here: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JohnHolgate
YouTube vids here: http://www.youtube.com/user/quedecree?feature=mhee
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by John Holgate
Dylan - NOT appropriate. NOT amused. Reported.

NOT really Dylan either.

"I gave up on wind speeds... its either crappy, gravy, epic, or stupid... in that order"

Ozone: Imp III Quattro 1m and 1.5m, Flow 2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m.
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 03:43 PM

It is an unfortunate thing that people will do and say many things on the computer that they would never even come close to having the guts to do in real life. All I can say is Karma is a #@%$#!. Hopefully an airplane or astroid will drop on this guys head sooner instead of later....

Julz, something else to consider is that as you progress you will end up with more kites anyway. I would pick a size that meets your wind needs the majority of the time. You said you only have really high winds some of the time...so if you are trying to decide between a 2.5 and 3 you might want to look harder at the three and just not fly if the winds are questionable or to high.

Trust me that if you end up enjoying this sport you will get more.


Currently flying:
Beamer IV 2m, 3m, 4m
Ozone Flow 5M
PL Vibe 1.3
Synergy 12m
Flysurfer 19m DLX
HQ Apex III 7.5
PL Twister 7.7m--Just plain sick...

Peter Lynn Buggy
GI Landboard
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 04:32 PM

julz im kiting newb too i just bought my first landboard i started learning on a 2m beamer then bought my board and now i recently purchased a 5m pansh ace these guys can help you soo much with any question dont listen to dylan he has no life he u2ued me asking if iw anted one of his farts.. hes pathetic btw im 15

T-foil Trainer
HQ beamer 2m
Pansh Ace 5m (1st edition extra lifty)
Peter Lynn Venom 10m
K2 Snowboard-K2 auto bindings-DC boots
GI Prodigy 2010 Gold and Black Vegas hubs

A Machine that makes wind

Wind is like a drug: many people are addicted to it, too much of it and you could end up dead or in the hospital, too little of it and you\'ll go crazy, and just the right amount makes for a good time.
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Txshooter38
Trust me that if you end up enjoying this sport you will get more.

So many more. Get the 3m. I'm 67kg and 3m fixed bridle is the smallest I've ever buggied with. I think only a kid or a someone regular access to a dry lake bed would have good use of a smaller kite.

FYI, you mention "farm" as your kiting venue. Keep rolling resistance in mind when selecting kites. Someone on grass will need more power to get moving than someone on a hard pack beach. That said, 3m is still the right size to start with. For your weight it is small enough to learn on yet still usable as a boarding/buggy engine in higher winds.


I fly: Charger II 6.5m * Charger II 8m * Charger II 10m * Scorpion 10 (for sale) * Phantom II 12m * F-Arc 1200 * Venom 13m

I ride: Peter Lynn XR+ on Midis * Flexifoil Midi/Barrow * Peter Lynn Comp on Barrows * Peter Lynn XR+ (needs a fork)

I build: Custom bars for buggy pilots

I write about kite stuff: at http://philipbchase.com

Philip Chase
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Txshooter38

Trust me that if you end up enjoying this sport you will get more.

You WILL like it and you WILL get more kites. You will have a kite for every kind of wind. Cause then you will be able to fly just about anytime you got the time.:wee:


Combat 2.4 / 4.2
Century 1.8 / 5.5
Century II 2.2/2.8/3.5/4.5 /10.0
Brooza IV 3.0 prototype
Buster Soulfly 1.5 / 2.2 (KIA)/ 3.3 (lost at sea)
Buster Soulfly PRO 3.3 / 4.4
Buster (gen 1) 5.5
Sting 1.7 Punk
Rage 2.5 / 3.5/ 4.7
Revolution 1.5 SLE
17 ply Custom TRAMPA w/ verTIGo trucks
2 homebrew buggies,2 homebrew KYTBYKS,1 homebrew tandem trailer


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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 07:30 PM

thank you all so much for your advice! (except you know who) i'll deffinately check out all those websites you suggested and keep your advice in mind. Thank you all for taking the time to help me. i really appreciate it and would have had no clue otherwise! Thanks :thumbup:
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[*] posted on 21-9-2010 at 07:47 PM

3m yes is perfect for a beginners kite although on grass with a buggy tht will definately be a high wind kite, however u never put aside the small kites there will be alot of days when the small kites will come in handy . like a previous poster said the turf u ride on is important. My quiver for concrete consist of a 3m fixed, 7.5m depower and 2m depower yes i said 2m depower lol. that comes out in over 25 mph works great ,i have alot of fun with it but like i said thts on concrete so u dont need much to move on however at the beach My main kite is my 7.5m in most winds up to about 20mph then i step down to 3m fixed bridle. well have fun with your new kite.
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