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What harness for Buggy?
I started off on a "Go Fly A Kite" 1.4m. I also am currently using a 2m Flow and a 4.5m Imp.
I'm thinking about getting a 5m Flow and maybe a 7m Frenzy.
I want to learn how to use the bar. I want to get a buggy. Eventually; I want to kite board(water).
What is the best harness to get for use with a buggy? I was considering the Ozone one.
Does anyone have a link to a good deal on a buggy? It seems like there are only about 3 different models?
Also, best place to get 5m Flow and 7m Frenzy? I don't want to get it to only later find out I could have gotten it for a lot less somewhere else.
For future consideration; what are some other brand / models of kites to look into?
For those of you who have a bunch of kites; do you typically always just use the same one? I just wonder if I'm going to get in a situation where I
own ~10 kites but I only use one of them.
Sting 1.7, 2.4 - Flow 2, 3, 4, 5 - Reactor 2.2, 2.8, 3.5, 4.4, 5.5 - Yakuza 2.2, 2.7 - JOJO 9
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Mood: I has a grumpy.
The Ozone harness is pretty good. It fits fairly well into a buggy.
I know of 4 major manufacturers for buggies: Peter Lynn (3 models), Flexifoil (1 or 2 models?), Apexx (1 model), Libre (6 or 8 models?). Then some,
like awindofchange, that aren't major manufacturers, but make their own model for sale.
Unless you're buying the Flow and Frenzy used, all retailers should be selling them for the same price. If you're planning on going to
water, I wouldn't buy an open cell depower kite like the Frenzy. Fixed bridle kites like the Flow are great for buggying, but you'll want something
other than the Frenzy for the water.
Ozone makes great kites, but they aren't the least expensive option. Where are you located? Is there anyone around who can help show you different
brands of kites, or let you try theirs?
Most people with depower kites have ~two that they fly regularly. People with fixed bridle kites are more likely to have ~four that they fly
regularly. Some people like to use one model for one sport and another for a different sport, or simply for a different type of riding in the same
sport (by sport, I mean kite surfing, snow kiting, kite buggying, kite boarding, etc).
Hope that helps.
"I gave up on wind speeds... its either crappy, gravy, epic, or stupid... in that order"
Ozone: Imp III Quattro 1m and 1.5m, Flow 2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m.
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someone is selling a peter lynn comp xr for 375 on the forum right now, youre not going to find a better deal than that i dont think....
also, someone else is selling a bunch of combats (kites) that are hard to find new, much less used... i also think thats the best deal on kites at the
moment... a bit advanced, but if youre really into it, i say pull the trigger and jump off the deep end... the learning curve may be steep, but the
view from the plateau is sweeeet
as far as a harness, a seat harness seems to be the most popular, and i have one i bought cheaply from cobrakites... it was like $45 or $50...
good luck
Flysurfer Soul v2 12m, Soul 15m, Soul v2 21m
Flexi Rage 1.8m, Jojo RM 3m, Flexi Blurr 3.5, Flexi Blade 4.0m, Flexi Blade 4.9m, Flexi Blurr 5, Jojo RM 6m
Kite Skates, Libre Full Race, GI Conflict 106, OR Mako 140, Spleene Door 159
What I Am In The Market For: Peter Lynn Vapors, Weatherproof Kite Buggy Bag for Libre, PL or Flexi Small Buggy to Tow With, Flexi Pro Link Handles,
Flexi Lines, Flexi Kite Killers
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if you are going from kitebuggy to kitesurf and vice-versa get the Ocean Rodeo harness since it can be used as Seat or Waist. the Ozone harness is
mainly for land (dirt / snow) use, and only comes in one size.
kitesurf anywhere from 2 to 3 kites plus 1 to 2 boards
landboarding 2 to 3 kites (depower) plus 1 board
kitebuggying 2 (depower) or 5 (average rider) to 12 to 14 (racer)(fixed bridle) and/or 1 to 2 buggies for freestyle, cruising, speed, race.
snowkiting 2 to 3 (depower)
peter lynn NL has 4 models available
peter lynn NZ has 2 models (more custom parts)
xxtreme buggies has 2 models (xxracer / apexx), with additional add-ons, plus the new prototype buggies coming by December 2010
there are also other buggy brands, however they are geared more towards racers and/or free stylers. (BBS, Viper, Elliot, GT, MG, OZ)
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Mood: Happier than Richard Simmons with a wheelbarrow full of ding dongs!!
I love my Ozone seat harness that you hardly notice in the buggy but you HAVE to make sure your junk is situated right or you split the boys or mash
potatoes the first time you power up your kite. You look pretty goofy with your package poofed out of your harness leg strap area, but it's a small :o
price to pay for comfort.
I also have a Dakine Storm seat harness that feels better to wear static but is a tight fit in the buggy.
You'll likely get a couple different harnesses over time to fit your sport of the day.
Ozone Cult 2.5
Ozone Cult 4.5
Rev 1.5
Stainless BloKart with 5.5 sail
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The new Peter Lynn harness "Divine" is a step up in comfort from the Ozone harness it replaced for me. No "mashed potatoes" and they are sized big.
I'm not a little guy and had to get a medium and could wear it over thick clothing still. Here is a link with pictures and a good product
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: Happier than Richard Simmons with a wheelbarrow full of ding dongs!!
Hmmm. First real look at the Divine... Looks like a soft comfy diaper. I might have to get a hold of one and try it. Bobby, what spreader bar will
work for depower? Or , do you order a pully spreader and a regular hook?
Ozone Cult 2.5
Ozone Cult 4.5
Rev 1.5
Stainless BloKart with 5.5 sail
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Quote: | Originally posted by BeamerBob
I'm not a little guy and had to get a medium and could wear it over thick clothing still. |
its dutch sizing ... i had to get a custom XXS
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I got mine with the standard hook bar. After a weekend of heavy strop use at Jekyll Island, I have my eye on one of those top end Prodigy spreader
bars for strop use, but I wouldn't feel secure using the roller spreader bar with a chicken loop. I just checked and the bars could be swapped out as
quickly as changing harnesses so you can have your cake and eat it too.
I will say that the Ozone harness was plenty comfortable as I recall while sitting in the buggy, it was just uncomfortable while standing up flying
static or just walking around while setting up. I forget I have the Divine harness on sometimes though either riding or walking about.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: Happier than Richard Simmons with a wheelbarrow full of ding dongs!!
I'm Sold! I'll put one on the list for Santa Wife!
Ozone Cult 2.5
Ozone Cult 4.5
Rev 1.5
Stainless BloKart with 5.5 sail
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Posting Freak
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Mood: waiting for spring sobb, fall sobb, ABE, IBX
As Bob said the PL Divine is comfy. Rip had one this past summer at the WA. events to demo. Couldn't get out of the divine for a whole day.
The following weekend I shelved my HQ harness in favor of the Divine that Monty had in his truck.
Thing to consider about seat harnesses; Do you have to readjust the leg straps after getting out of the buggy to walk around?
HQ; yes I did.
PL Divine: No I don't
Plus the Divine transfers the crotch strap to your thighs, which equals less leg fatigue (at least that's what I experienced).
Spreader bar swap takes less then one minute.
You'll not regret santa bringing you one.
Last point. The HQ harness uses a hook attachment for the spreader bar. The Divine uses two cinch straps, so no surprises with the
spreader bar popping out during your session.
What I ride, and fly
Custom KBSS Libre Hardcore with John Deer tires!
Ozone R1 11m, Ozone Summit 10ul, 15m ul
Wish list:
Wind powered portable coffee maker.
Chrono, Chrono, Chrono!