Hey zloty--
I have found a 9.5 inch wide smooth (no tread groove at all) tire and tube you can fit onto the standard Flexifoil rims-- (it is a tight fit but
they will go!!takes four hands!!) they give good "float" in the softer sand and ride nice!! Not quite as much as a"bigFoot" -- but very close
You have no other modifications to make-- NOTE:they will NOT fit the front fork on your standard Flexifoil buggy-- for rears only -(unless you make
a wide front fork)
tire is made by Carlisle-- search your area for a Carlisle outlet-- will research the tire model for you if you are interested--(not at hand right
this minute)-- have shipped them out to some of my buggy customers--
average price to have a "spare set" costs about $150.00 -- $170.00
2 -- spare Flexi rims/bearings
2 -- 9.5 inchX 8.00 tires
2 -- 9.0 X 8.00 tubes
(mount & "balanced"-- no charge - -just bring on the WD40!!!)
I used "spare" set to swap between sand dune days and grass days depending on where we were going to ride--
Good winds always, fly safe and live to ride another day !!