Toddled off to the lake today to have a play with the Psycho3 13 ... why not, it's holidays and I've got nothing better to do! Didn't take board or
togs cos I figured it was too cold, but it was actually quite nice down there and no colder than the last time I was on the lake. Oh well.
Wind was supposed to be good but was shifty as hell, going all the from east to west at one stage! Gusty too.
Checked out the Psycho and put it up. Got a good feel for it in light to moderate wind and it certainly will be a fun tractor! Need to tidy up the bar
... packed up, started to head back to the car but then the wind picked up so I thought, "Why not haul out the Synergy 19?" sorry Phree, had left the
12 at home
At first the wind was good but then it dropped off, and I thought the wind would be too light to even fill let alone launch. Picked up again and I got
a good fill. As I tried to launch the wind shifted so I struggled to get the kite in the air - was running around from north to west and back again to
stay upwind of the kite.
Note - got it into the air despite not being 100% inflated on the ground AS USUAL and managed to get it filled on the way up to the zenith but then
the wind dropped and I lost control.
Bow-tie. Managed to untangle it from the bar though - can't remember exactly what I did, but noticed that I might be able to get it LE down so pulled
a rear line to do that, that just relaunched by the standard method. That worked the other 2 times I bow-tied :D who says you can't bow-tie a Synergy?
Wind came back with a vengeance - CRIKEY what a difference pulling the straps up and shifting the VPC makes! Had everything set at 1/2 for so long ...
all tight and it's a mighty beast! Had to watch the jumps cos they were getting silly high and the landings were rattling my teeth! Massive long scuds
took me from one end of the beach to the other until I hit a bank thing and got lobbed over it!
Wind died off, but by working the kite I kept it in the air while the guys out on the water with the LEIs were swimming in. Interesting, I seem to
remember it being much harder to keep the Syn19 in the air - hurrah the straps!
Perfect CarlTB stall landing and after switching the VPC lines to the opposite position (don't like it) a painless relaunch was enjoyed.
Great afternoon, now worn out and have sand in mysterious places ... and am thinking about Chargers now! Want mo-ooore!
Yeah... I got a kite. Or two...