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Synergy 15 Wind range
I just received my "new" Synergy 15, and I'm a little bit worried about it's wind range, I was looking for a 12 or a VII 13 but it seems that they
are so good that everyone is keeping them. (I know that there is one available right now, don't put salt in the wound...)
I already own a couple PL, an Arc 630, which is quite fun, it's the one I learned to kite with. a Bomba 15, way less fun, but I learned to kitesurf
with it and a Venom 19, which I only fly a couple times but seem better than my Bomba.
With both the Bomba and the Venom I'm over at about 17 knots. At that wind speed the 630 it not enough in water, and faster than that I'm a bit afraid
to fly the 630 on water, it doesn't have a lot of depower. On snow, when I can't old the V or the B, the 630 works well.
So, I bought a Syn 15 because I got a great deal but I'm afraid that I will finally have the same top end. Will I ?
I'm 70kg, in the summer here about everyone is flying 12m lei, mostly Cabrinha Switchblade and F-one Bandit (A little place, not a lot of dealer).
Last summer, when I called it a day with my V19, the guys with Cabrinhas were beginning to having a lot of fun.
So, what do you think ?
p.s. If someone need a V19 or a Bomba 15, I will probably sell them or trying to trade the V for a smaller one.
Thank you
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On the 15 Syn, I fly it with everything set to 50% (the middle) on 60cm Zero7 bar and factory lines (but with 6" extensions on the steering lines). I
can get going in flat water and steady winds in about 10 knots with my surfboard. I start having fun at about 12 knots. Still having fun to about 25
knots. I can hang on to it to about 27 knots. I would say the sweet spot is about 12 to 25 knots for my 70kg. I only ride a surfboard. I start flying
it when guys are on 12m or 13m LEI and keep flying it when they come in for their 9's and 10's.
On the snow with a snowboard, the wind range is similar to water for powder. On hard pack, I get the same wind range but it gets skewed toward lighter
winds. Perhaps with skis on hardpack the wind range would be wider than with the snowboard.
I haven't groundboarded much with it, but it appears it gets skewed toward the lighter winds as well and depends on the riding surface a lot.
I found the low end on the 15 Syn was similar to a 19 Venom1 and a topend similar to the Sarc 630 (it was 27 knots for me).:P
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Thanks a lot !
I look forward to fly this kite as soon as possible.
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matt sounds like your on your way. with ALOT of power.
70kg and SYN 15 should be able to get out in light air 12-18mph.
the land board runs are GONNA be super powered in 12+ at your weight.
by the end of spring if not before you will want something smaller.
CH 12, i bet would fit you perfect
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I try it for the first time today ! It wasn't a success. It's been a long time since it snows here in Quebec city, moreover, it rains a few days ago
so there is a crust of ice on the snow. My lines was always stuck in the broken crust of ice while I was trying to launch. Another kiter came to help
me, he is an instructor so he understand rapidly how to assist me. But once the kite was in the air I realize that my back lines were way too short, I
have an Airush bar, modified with a long throw, even trim all way the kite was stalling, so I pack it up. I made some pigtails about 8" long, thats
the length of my trim, but I think it may need some more.
I hope that it will snow soon !
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I saw on the Peter Lynn ARC set-up FAQ that for adjusting a non-Peter Lynn bar, all lines should be equal when fully powered, trim and sheet, does this apply
with the Synergy 15 or should-I add or remove some rear lines length ?
Thank you
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equal length, bar all the way in, trim fully powered and that gets you in the sweet spot with the stall in light air, with bar all the way in.
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Ah, modified bars ... there's another guy around who likes to make his own bars then moan about how crap the kite flies.
If you want to mess with bars, get the dimensions off the bars originally designed to work with the kite and start from there. If you really have to
make your own, start from the bar like PHREE said, then mess with the amount of 'depower' ...
It's my uneducated opinion that long-throw depower is wasted on the arcs cos they simply don't work like a flat SLE bow kite ... the benefits simply
don't scale and translate. I could be wrong though :D
This is the bar that the Synergy came with IIRC ...
Don't worry about matching the dimensions so much as matching the relative lengths of front/rear leader lines ...
This is the other thing to pay attention to ...
Quote: | The Depower Line
The depower line is divided into 3 zones:
Neutral - Bar is resting at the top knot.
Normal Riding - Middle 2/3rds
Stall - Bar is pulled down to the bottom knot. |
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Hey Kami
Been using a long throw bar on Scorpions, Synergy and now the Navigator (although it's a bit different).
All the guys around here made the long throw bar mods to the old bars and would never use anything else. makes flying the kite far easier with a
broader range of power to depower available. But, just my preference.
Mark Groshens NAPKA KC 13
WindSpeed kites & design - Canada
Peter Lynn Arcs: Charger2 22.5 +18 + 15 + 6.5, Charger I 6, Scorpion 16 + 10, Phantom II 12 + 9, Orig Phantom 9 + 6, Synergy 10 + 8, F 1200, S 840
Ocean Rodeo: Flite 17 + 12, Rise 13 + 10 + 7, Razor 9 + 6
Foils: PL Leopards and Lynx, Airea Raptors, some PL Reactor IIs + IIIs, Libre Spirits, Cross Kite Sonics, Ozone Flow
Peter Lynn Kite Cat for cruising the lakes
buggies: PL XR+, Cameleon Pagona, custom bigfoot, PL Bigfoot, custom ice buggy
Boards: 2 custom directionals, O.R Surf series 6-3 and 5-11, Mako Duke, Mako Skinny, Mako 140 Wide, Mako 150 Wide, Mako King, Brunotti
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I have a bar that I made with long throw, and it works great. More options. I made it as long as I could and still reach the bar when its all the
way out and fully powered. It's critical that the lines all come to the same plane fully powered with the bar in like phree said.
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HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
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I had to add 6 inches on the rear lines to get the proper range of trim and depower for my 15 (with all settings to the middle) on my Zero7 bar out of
the box. Something about the wrong length pigtails on the early kites if I recall.
2016 CORE Section wave 6m and 9m
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The Nav seems to have more than the Zero7 and certainly has more range with the trim ... doesn't seem to make that much of a difference though -
middle 1/3 of travel is where it gets used and that'll be pretty much like the Zero7 due to line lengths when fully sheeted in :dunno: now I think of
it though surely long throw couldn't be that much of a problem I bet the
problem is at the fully sheeted in set up :D
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Thank you ! I will add pigtails so the lies will be equal, I will also make a small line with knots in case that longer line are required.
By the way, I added a long throw to use with my Bomba and Venom, which the pigtails were ok after trials and errors, I saw the difference,
particularly when a big gust hit.
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Quote: | Originally posted by Mattgenius
..... were ok after trials and errors, I saw the difference, particularly when a big gust hit.
Matt |
with DIY bars and leaders, the bar end leaders can be loaded with adjustment knots close to the bar so you can drop it, adjust, relaunch and not
have to completely reset. and after test runs you can trim and neaten things up.
and BB makes excellent point the limiting factor on depower throw...arm length! you always can shorten the main to bring it closer, bringing it
closer for good riding position needs to considered as well.
on the diagram KK put up, "region 3" if your are stretched out too much you can quickly knot right above the loop while in the field with a single
overhand knot takes out the light air reverse stall some but my help you dial things in. and if the line/ leaders are FRESH , YOU DEFINITELY WANT