As you could see recent thread I asked about kites:
So, I did bought Ozone Access 6m for begin ... I saw recent similar thread, but I think my question is little bit different.
Now, since I am doing climbing and I have climbing harness I will use that for longboarding/snowkite ... I did search on internet and i can see that
many people are using it.
Since I got this kite today I did look into my climbing rack and realize that I can together with locking carabiner I can also use my Black Diamond
it is the same as Petzl
Also, I found in my rack very small locking carabiner Edelrid "Vireo", so that all thing together is not so big...
So, the question is if make sense to connect both leash and chicken loop to the Rotor/Swivel and then to locking carabiner and then to harness. The
point is that with this setup is that, if I release chicken loop, I still have leash which will depower the kite and keep kite with me, but when
chicken loop is connected allow me to spinning the bar? Please have a look photo.
Anyone use something similar? Or maybe I should do something differently? Not sure if this make sense or what is better option.
Since I am new into all this any advice and comment is mostly welcome.