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Author: Subject: Is it my fault or does the kite need to me adjusted
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[*] posted on 13-1-2011 at 10:26 AM
Is it my fault or does the kite need to me adjusted

Just bought an Ozone IMP 3.5. I am having trouble getting the kite to park at 12 o'clock, 10 o'clock, and 3 o'clock. The winds were between 11 and 16 knots or 15 to 25 mph. My problem was the kite kept flying past my mark. By that I mean if you think of the wind table and were I am standing as being the center line the kite is flying past it, stalling, and cause the kite to get tossed about until it catches its breath. So is it my fault that the kite is acting in this manor? Any tips are welcome. Do I need to fiddle with the third line (break line)? Again any tips are welcome.

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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 13-1-2011 at 10:37 AM

Those aren't winds that will allow you to park the kite at the edge and it sit there. You need steady winds for that. The increase in wind speed causes the kite to surge forward and past the edge of the wind it is able to fly in. Then it luffs and drifts back enough to refill with air. You'll be more happy with your kite and your ability to fly it when you get to fly in better more consistent winds. Flying in those winds will make you a better kiter though, because you will better learn to anticipate what the kite is going to do before it does it, even when you are watching others fly.

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[*] posted on 13-1-2011 at 11:31 AM

In higher winds like that it can help to tighten the brake tension, too. In the center brake leader, tie another knot a couple of inches or so closer to the bar, then move the larkshead knot at the end of the brake line up to that knot. Experiment to see what amount of trim works better for you. Good Luck

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