IF this is your first kite.. please get something smaller. As for the kite, It is true you get what you pay for. I have never flown an Epik. They
are not well known. I can tell you what I do know about. Its Blades. Nothing else I have ever flown (I have flown a bunch) compares to the Blade if
thats what your looking for. First off is build quality. No complaints from Flexifoil. Ever. Second, nothing accelerates like a blade, nothing
rips you up off the ground and holds you there like a blade. They are one of the most aggressive kites around. The only kites that may rival this
would be buggy race kites, which are much less stable, and have no sustained lift. You can get lift with any kite, but make sure if your going to
jump, you have the right equipment. As far as I know.. here are your choices for lifting kites on handles-
Flexifoil Blade
Ozone Riot-Very controlable well behaved. Gets the same results as the blade, just does it in a much smoother manner. Not flying by the seat of your
pants like the Blades.
Hq Crossfire-as far as I can tell you, a little lower in quality, a little lower in price, and performance almost as good as the Riot.
I hope this helps you.