It's intended for gun nuts but when I watched it I immediately thought of power kites.
\"Well we are all hurtling around in 3 wheeled, tip over prone, non crash tested vehicles with no brakes that we steer with our feet. Just
sayin\'.....\" --heliboy50
Looks like he sank an 8mm screw through the hard plate on his hockey armor.
Personally I crash a fair amount on my shoulders and a camera there won't last long. I don't slap the side of my head much in crashes so that mount
seems to work well for me.
Now that cams are getting smaller and cheaper, and the image quality is better and better, using an actual video cam is becomming less neccesary I
I run my Drift at 720p and the image quality is really good I think. My uploads are ugly because of connection speed. I have to degrade them to get
them to go in any resonable amout of time.
I do like the shoulder mount angle tho.
Chris Krug-Owner @ Hardwater Kiting. Authorized Dealer of Ozone, Flysurfer, HQ kites. 603-986-2784
Shoulder mounted camera mounts?!?! :puzzled: What's next?!?
I do agree with Feyd that a hard mount on the shoulder is going to be prone to getting torqued or snapped during a bail.
I think a lot of it is going to depending on the actual camera that is being used.
I think moving the camera down closer to the clavicle, so the attachment point is the back of the camera (assuming something like the GoPro) and not
the bottom might work better wrt to getting it out of harm's way. A tethered soft mount might help too.
Another alternative is the GoPro Chest Harness:
There are several discussions revolving around modifying or DIYing the GoPro Chest Harness:
Originally posted by indigo_wolf
Shoulder mounted camera mounts?!?! :puzzled: What's next?!?
hahaha, I've met that guy! He lives in Denver. He's a really nice guy who's obviously really passionate about props. I'm amazed the suit is all thin
plastic that is pop-riveted together.
Tide? What's a tide? Man, it's 1000 miles to any ocean.
While we're heading totally OT ... got a buddy back in NZ who makes props like real chain-mail out of titanium. IIRC he did some of the work for the
Lord of the Rings (or Road of the Ring here :o ) and that mail is actually plastic tubing sliced and twisted together - real light weight.
Standard armour for the SCA knight fights is plastic 44 gallon drum ...