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Author: Subject: KiteBuddy ...... anyone use that ??? Is it worth $70 ??
Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 11-5-2011 at 11:49 AM
KiteBuddy ...... anyone use that ??? Is it worth $70 ??

the promise :
The KiteBuddy offers a robust and reliable means to land and launch BOW/SLE type kites if/when there isn't anyone around to land or launch your kite..

price : $65


kbmain110408b001004.jpg - 31kB

New Jersey Kite Addicts

2021 Eleveight FS .........10......12
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Liquid Force ELITE .... 6m
Flysurfer Speed4 Lotus 18m
Flysurfer Sonic-FR .... 9 ....11....18m
Flysurfer Sonic2 .....11....15m

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[*] posted on 11-5-2011 at 12:01 PM

Very interesting, it looks to be very helpful for launching the LEI

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Posting Freak

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Mood: Semper in excretum sum sed alta variat................alwayz in the crap but the depth varys.........

[*] posted on 11-5-2011 at 12:22 PM

self launch and land is a necessary skill for flying LEIs...............you can make your own rig for under $20 (military duffel bag with 40 lbs of sand or dirt. Use the eyelets on the bag to attach your leash to the chicken loop/depower line/suicide mode) BUT you need to learn self land and launch.......looking at your quiver you dont need this rig............................If someone offers to launch or land me I rarely turn down their kindness............If Im lone wolfing at the beach, no issue..............lay your lines out behind the kite or downwind with the bar backwards (red right/blue left) once ready to launch pull the down wind kite tip at about 20 degrees into the wind.....hook into your bar and walk upwind of the kite...........once you pass the kite going upwind pull the downwind tip lines.............thie kite will slide a bit downwind on its LE and up on its tip......spin your bar out and shes ready to climb....................:lol::lol::duh:

17m Ozone Zephyr (2012)
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[*] posted on 11-5-2011 at 12:54 PM

save your $ . spend the time learning to self land and launch.

i find things like this a hazard to you and anyone else not paying attention.

sand bags are far better than this for sure. you'll get tired of dragging it or anything else, promise

like tri said, its part of the kite thing. show you can control the rag on the end of the lines and do so safely with skill alone.

involving anyone or anything is control left to chance

nothing wrong with experienced assist should that be available.

its one of the FIRST things you HAVE to learn. don't by pass it or crutch it.

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Houston AirHead
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[*] posted on 11-5-2011 at 03:36 PM

if you got the cash to blow go for it.

the best launch method imo is the arc lunch method, you know weight down one tip, and side launch into the wind. it works great on LEIs and foils.

also if you need to land your kite in a hurry, dont be afraid to flag it out on a saftey line. who cares what people think. land that kite!

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[*] posted on 11-5-2011 at 07:32 PM

.... so far my LEI is still in a bag ..... for some reason it scares me to try it .... If I will go to Wildwood this weekend maybe it is the time for first static fly and new experience with inflatables . Arc lunch and landing is not that bad , so if that will help me with LEI I be very happy.....

New Jersey Kite Addicts

2021 Eleveight FS .........10......12
2021 Eleveight XS .........14
Gin Zulu II / III .........5...7
Gin Sherpa .......10
Gin Yeti ..........4.5
Gin Tonkawa ..........3.1...4.1...5.4...6.8...8.7...11.5...15.4
Liquid Force ELITE .... 6m
Flysurfer Speed4 Lotus 18m
Flysurfer Sonic-FR .... 9 ....11....18m
Flysurfer Sonic2 .....11....15m

2016 Nobile Zen Hydrofoil with Infinity 5.1' splitboard
2019 Nobile 2HD with Ronix One boots
2020 Nobile NHP split foil with Ronix Parks boots
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Posting Freak

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Mood: Semper in excretum sum sed alta variat................alwayz in the crap but the depth varys.........

[*] posted on 11-5-2011 at 07:47 PM

self land without devices

self launch without devices

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Mood: Semper in excretum sum sed alta variat................alwayz in the crap but the depth varys.........

[*] posted on 11-5-2011 at 07:57 PM

sorry I missed your Zulu....................hybrid C/delta shape self launch and land is a piece of cake on this one (similar design as my Wainmans).....................

17m Ozone Zephyr (2012)
15m Flysurfer Silver Arrow 2
12m Ozone Catalyst (2013)
10m Ozone Catalyst (2012)
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[*] posted on 13-5-2011 at 09:17 PM

For people tempted to tether any kite for any reason, take a gander at Peter Lynn's article on tethering kites at http://peterlynnhimself.com/Tie_Kites.php After I read it I made some sand bags, bought a foldable Gerber shovel, and vowed to never stake any kite again.

It is a sobering read.


I fly: Charger II 6.5m * Charger II 8m * Charger II 10m * Scorpion 10 (for sale) * Phantom II 12m * F-Arc 1200 * Venom 13m

I ride: Peter Lynn XR+ on Midis * Flexifoil Midi/Barrow * Peter Lynn Comp on Barrows * Peter Lynn XR+ (needs a fork)

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[*] posted on 14-5-2011 at 06:19 PM

Good video on self launching:

Sting 1.7, 2.4 - Flow 2, 3, 4, 5 - Reactor 2.2, 2.8, 3.5, 4.4, 5.5 - Yakuza 2.2, 2.7 - JOJO 9
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[*] posted on 17-5-2011 at 02:59 AM

I would hate to run into that thing while cruising down the beach in my buggy!
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[*] posted on 17-5-2011 at 07:41 AM

Fence posts, sign posts, truck hitches, support posts for stairs, etc. etc. Lots of things you can use instead of one of those things. I'll admit that it's probably more effective an anchor than a dog leash screw, but I'd look for alternatives before spending $70 on one.
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[*] posted on 17-5-2011 at 05:14 PM

While I was at the beach today I ran into a buddy who works for the city here. They are installing a new sign post to mark the beach access for lifeguards / EMS. The post is a 4"x4" that he says they'll sink 6' into the ground. Sounds like it should be good enough for launching my kite too. ;)
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