Off the ground, but still need advice
After 3 failed or not so fun attempts ( flying across the ground on my face ) at flying my Flexi blade 4, I was feeling pretty down about the whole
thing, surely I was doing it wrong or is the wind just too strong
But I finally got a good hours flight last night.
The wind was hardly moving the trees leaves so I felt this was a unmissable chance to give her a proper breaking in and get used to it.
I had a great time, the field was empty so I played to my hearts content, flying low, twists, loops, taking her right through the power zone, great
fun. Never used the K.killers once!
My only concern is next time I take her out and the wind is stronger I'm gunner end up on my face again. I wanted a big powerful kite but I don't
want to go flying myself.
I've been looking at getting a 2.5 Flexi as well so I've got something to fly on those windier days. The most important thing is that I can launch it
on my own.
What do you guys reckon, will the 2.5 still give me problems?