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Mood: straw-blower-paper!
dilemma... what should i choose?
I wish to expand my quiver of kites. I have a 9m ² & 2m ² with a bar and a 4m ² with handles. I am a "big" boy. I will use the kite to the buggy 4
seasons and winter skiing. The conditions are quite variable here in Quebec ... sticky snow, strong winds, light winds to ... it varies. So I look for
either one of two 5m ² or 11m ² or perhaps even 13m ². Always with a bar ... I do not know what to choose? Larger for light wind, or smaller for
strong wind?
Your experience ...
IKO certified °°°°° snow°°°°°.
ConceptAir Bull 3.4m² depower
Flying Wing SilverFox 2.5
Handmade buggy SS / bigfoot wheel /std wheel / ski for snow & ice
Jest Of Eve Talon UL
Level one Genesis STD
Mystic battle belt seat harness + a waist one from Mystic.
Ozone Flow 2m², Access 6m², Frenzy 9m²
Pansh black&red 4m² / handle Ozone
HQ invento FazerXXL ºSpeedº
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Mood: Windy
Can you fly the 4M on a bar?(or get used to using a strop with it) It could be your high wind kite, then you just have to choose between the 11m and
the 13m, for your low wind kite.
Bob Lussier
1.4M Beamer III, 2M Beamer IV,2M
Toxic HQ , 7.5MApex III, HQ, Quadrifoil XXXL (9.66M), NPW5 2.4,4.8m,
NPW9 7.6M (BIG SISTAH),NPW9 12MGREENMONSTER(km4), P L Comp ST buggy,PL Bigfoot+
buggy, Atomic Alibi Snowboard, Protec Knee/Elbow Pads & Helmet, Seirus wristguards, Demon crash shorts, LaCross chest/shoulder pads.
(tryin\' to be safe!)
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I would personally choose a kite that would fit my "comfortable" zone of flying. If you are more comfortable with lighter winds and you get more of
them, go with a bigger kite. If you get more high winds then go with another mid range size kite, as long as you are comfortable flying in higher
While you are at it, check out
They make nice kites and are located in Canada. We got the chance here on the East Coast U.S. to see them in action when 15 of the guys showed up to
the WBB. They were all flying them, and all of them use them for the snow. Just sayn! This is my opinion.
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Mood: straw-blower-paper!
I don't try the 4m pansh with bar... I should use more often 4m to be more cozi with it. I should practice more with handle.
Between 9m to 11m is there a big diffence? 9m to 13m will be better?
IKO certified °°°°° snow°°°°°.
ConceptAir Bull 3.4m² depower
Flying Wing SilverFox 2.5
Handmade buggy SS / bigfoot wheel /std wheel / ski for snow & ice
Jest Of Eve Talon UL
Level one Genesis STD
Mystic battle belt seat harness + a waist one from Mystic.
Ozone Flow 2m², Access 6m², Frenzy 9m²
Pansh black&red 4m² / handle Ozone
HQ invento FazerXXL ºSpeedº
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my vote is for the 13-9m, unless you get loads of 20-30kph days, then the 11 may be a better fit.
[edit: I am assuming depower sizing]
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I would recommend you keep your 9m, sell your 2m and your 4m and replace those with a 13m for low wind and a 4m Access or 4.5 Yeti or 5m Apex for real
high wind. Unless you're a really "big" boy then I'd go for a 6m access giving you a 6, 9, 13 quiver. Dump the fixed bridles. Depowers are way
better in high wind. If you really like FBs then still sell your 2 and 4 and get an 8.5m something or other as your low wind kite and keep your 9 and
get a 4-6m depower for the stronger wind days.
Just saw this for sale
That would be a good low wind engine then you can get a depower for your high wind days and build the quiver around your 9m.
Depower Quiver: 14m Gin Eskimo, 10m Gin Eskimo III, 6m Gin Yeti, 4.5m Gin Yeti (custom bridle and mixer)
Fixed Bridle Quiver: MAC Bego 400, JOJO ET Instinct 2.5 & 5.5, Lil Devil 1.5, Sting 1.2
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Mood: been raining here for 3 weeks . . . un-quacking believeable
If you have predominantly lower winds and you like your frenzy ..... here is a 13m frenzy for sale that would give you the 9/13 kitedelight was
talking about
bon chance mon ami
- some kites
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It is the age old question and here in Ontario we have similar conditions to you. Years ago it (more before the real development of de-powerable) it
was pretty well a given that summer was the time for big kites and winter we got to use our small kites more often. In the last 5 years weather and
wind patterns have been all over the place so it's not as easy - many factors involved. Last winter I used large kites far more than I would have any
other winter season - not as often mid size and a few small kite days.
People often as about getting one kite what the best mid size is - the problem with one mid size kite is you need perfect mid range wind. if you get
either end of the wind range (often very high or very low) then that mid size kite means you are either always under powered or over powered. So we
try to cover the majority of wind range with a couple of sizes - and you can do that with a kite with a good power range. Next you start to fill in
the gaps. We often get a lot more lighter winds days than nuking days. The nuking days stand out in your mind but really you get a very small number
in a season, far more light wind days but we don't really think of those because we don't look for them and often pass without much thought. Chasing
low wind often means spending the most money and if you are looking for lightest possible - that kite is large and becomes overpowering quicker than
other kites. Small kites might end up sitting there unused a long time but they are great to have the days they are needed.
We used fixed bridle kites every since they were around and had years and years or awesome winter riding - once depowerable came around it made riding
far easier as we don't need to change kite sizes throughout the day as often and usually get a much longer riding time before taking a break. But if
it a steady wind day (which is rare) a fixed bridle is still a blast. I do go for a large fixed bridle for my largest/lightest wind option (anything
from 10m up) as there are some good price options available, quick to throw up and go when it's 5-6 km up to 15km. Once the wind is up I go
In the winter, once the wind kicks up to higher levels we are getting gusty winds and depending on your location - if on a lake - you can get a lot of
turbulence/dead zone/wind tunnels/squalls etc so a kite that is adaptable vs fighting the power is good. If you are on a snowboard you need more power
than skis, if you are bigger you need to be on the slightly bigger side of kites. if you are on ice of hard pack snow you can get away with smaller
kites, if it's deeper snow or damp snow you need bigger kites.
There are many kites that are a nice size to use but depending on how you set up your quiver and type of kite you use you can jump over many sizes.
Even though I have a full range of sizes in Peter Lynn twinskins if I start with a 15m and the wind picks up, rather than switching to a 12 or 10 I
can ride that up to enough wind that by the time i switch to an 8m I've jumped over sizes. But there are also days when it's a nicer wind to start
with that 12m and i'd use it all day no mater what.
I still have fixed bridle foils starting at 1.8 - 2 - 2.5 - 2.7 - 3.0 - 3.5 - 4.5 - 5.5 - 6.5 - 7.5 - 9.0. - 10.8 (probably getting one larger)and it
used to be that a 4.5 was a good mid size for winter - now if I was using fixed bridle I'd go with one large around 9m something around 5-6m then 3m
then gradually fill in the rest. But I wouldn't recommend that - I'd go depowerable especially with gusty winds and you want steady power delivery on
a snowboard and a kite that won't be racing to far out on the edge. Then it comes down to your budget and comfort level. If you aren't planning to go
in crazy high winds or very low winds you could probably get 2 kites to cover 75% of your range. Peter Lynn twinskins, Concept Air Smart, Ozone, HQ
all good choices.
Mark Groshens NAPKA KC 13
WindSpeed kites & design - Canada
Peter Lynn Arcs: Charger2 22.5 +18 + 15 + 6.5, Charger I 6, Scorpion 16 + 10, Phantom II 12 + 9, Orig Phantom 9 + 6, Synergy 10 + 8, F 1200, S 840
Ocean Rodeo: Flite 17 + 12, Rise 13 + 10 + 7, Razor 9 + 6
Foils: PL Leopards and Lynx, Airea Raptors, some PL Reactor IIs + IIIs, Libre Spirits, Cross Kite Sonics, Ozone Flow
Peter Lynn Kite Cat for cruising the lakes
buggies: PL XR+, Cameleon Pagona, custom bigfoot, PL Bigfoot, custom ice buggy
Boards: 2 custom directionals, O.R Surf series 6-3 and 5-11, Mako Duke, Mako Skinny, Mako 140 Wide, Mako 150 Wide, Mako King, Brunotti
lots of old school skis, snowboard
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Mood: straw-blower-paper!
I will ask to try before buying. There's demo kite at my dealers...
I'll keep the 2m .... kids are growing fast...good way to learn... not yet but soon... (got twins boy 3½)
thanks for your reply
IKO certified °°°°° snow°°°°°.
ConceptAir Bull 3.4m² depower
Flying Wing SilverFox 2.5
Handmade buggy SS / bigfoot wheel /std wheel / ski for snow & ice
Jest Of Eve Talon UL
Level one Genesis STD
Mystic battle belt seat harness + a waist one from Mystic.
Ozone Flow 2m², Access 6m², Frenzy 9m²
Pansh black&red 4m² / handle Ozone
HQ invento FazerXXL ºSpeedº
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Good advice from Mark right there. Sums it up nicely.
We're just south of you and are in the similar way weather wise as you and Mark but we're in the mountains so we have either mellow low wind days or
nukin'. We don't seem to get much in between.
But I will say the last two seasons we've seen a lot of light wind days. When we first started a 7m Frenzy was my go to kite. Now it's rare to be on
less then a 9m. I'm 200 lbs btw.
Depower is the way to go. One kite to cover multiple windranges.
Chris Krug-Owner @ Hardwater Kiting. Authorized Dealer of Ozone, Flysurfer, HQ kites. 603-986-2784