Image attachments have a limit of 1MB . Image attachments don't show up in preview.
[img]Image URL
is an example of the tag notation for inline images. They don't have a size limit. If they are huge they will take a long time to display. If they
are over 300 pixels, they will be scaled down. An image that is scaled down is just visually resized, it's still as large as the original and takes
as long to display.
Inline images need to be hosted on a service like TinyPic, Picasa, or your own webspace.
[url=Fullsize Image URL
][img]Thumbnail Image URL
is an example of tag notation for inline images with a thumbnail. The smaller image is displayed in your post, and when the user clicks on it, the
fullsize image is displayed in a new browser window.
Your are responsible for creating and hosting both the fullsize and thumbnail images. You can use the same image for both, since the forum software
visually scales down the image in your post to 300 pixels. However, if there is a large difference between that and the full-size image, there's
some bandwidth waste.
Oh yeah... make sure the "Turn BBCode Off?" checkbox (see attachment) is
NOT checked.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12 - Jesus, does anyone?" - The Body by Stephen King