Question about launching LEI assisted in shallow water?
I am looking for some instruction on how to safely launch an LEI in shallow water. How do you get the kite, lines and yourself in the water with your
assistant without getting tangled, etc? The water at this launch is only a couple feet deep (Isla Blanca, Mexico) The shore however is rocky and does
not give much room for error if you launch on land with lots of kites and lines in a small space. I am a beginner kiteboarder with my IKO Intro
course + refresher. I have been riding independently for the past few trips down south and can ride downwind and upwind. I can water relaunch at
this site no problem if I drop the kite. Just not sure how to get from the beach into the water to get going. I had a kitemare here launching last
trip and got drug into some rocks. Bad cuts and scrapes - very lucky! Do not want a repeat so please help me out. Thanks!
Mmm... you might want to YouTube "how to drift launch" if your assistant doesn't want to get in the water but I'm not sure that's something I'd want
to try without an expert around.
There's no place to launch behind the beach, then walk to the water with the kite in the air?
On the same sort vein, you could set up on the shore as if you'd flagged out to your safety then wrap everything up, walk to the water, drop the kite
and feed the lines out (the kite will be flagged until you start unwrapping the leash line).
Not sure if this is the same drift launch method or not. You definitely want to practice when the winds are manageable.
Actually, could you not just have your assistant hold the kite for the launch while you walk out to the water? Or does it get too deep too fast? (I
know it's not wise to launch with the kite toward land).
one drift launch I just learned a few days ago that I really like is:
1. set up the kite with lines somewhere where there is room.
2. attach chicken loop to harness and wind up the lines on the bar with kite attached. (keep CL attached so you don't mistakenly invert lines by
putting the bar through). Tie off the lines with the rubber band on the bar or a simple knot.
3. flip kite over (carry position) remembering which way you are flipping it (so you flip it back the opposite way afterwards)
4. carry kite & board to water and flip kite the opposite way (LE down).
5. attach your kite leash to your KITE at the middle attachment point (where you attach the pump when pumping).
6. With the kite still attached to your safety leash, unwind the lines so they float under the kite while walking upwind to ensure they don't bunch
7. lift the kite and look at your lines to make sure no tangles or bunches were formed.
7.1 If you notice bunched lines shake them out if they got caught on the bridle or something and walk upwind some more so they sort themselves out.
Lift kite again to look at your lines to make sure lines are free.
8. attach your leash to the CL and give the kite a little push/spin so it drifts downwind. Walk upwind at the same time.
9. When the kite fills up with air visibly check to see that lines are right and walk it out to the edge to water launch.
I dunno the whole lack line thing is got me pretty spooked, I think I would let the lines out until tensioned and follow the kite out till I could
just do a water launch (relaunch). I noticed that all the examples I've seen are pretty much off shore wind, again a little sketchy for me. But then
again I am one to err on the side of caution, I mean if a line gets snagged up on a pulley, or wraps around a wing tip. I guess its a matter of wind
strength and skill level and I'm usually long on one and short on the other.