Couple of things to check first off.
1) Check to make sure all four lines are equal length. If one or two lines are long, that will give you fits. Unhook your lines from the kite and
from the handles, stake them firmly into the ground on one end and pull firmly on the other. All four lines should pull out to the exact same length
with equal pulling force one each line. All four lines should also have minimal stretch.
2) Make sure you are flying with high quality lines. Cheap string or junk lines will also give you fits and will make the kite un-flyable and
un-controllable. If you are not using a high quality Spectra or Dyneema lineset, your kite will never fly properly. What lines are you using?
3) Make sure all your bridle lines are straight without any tangles or inner loops. They must all run completely straight from the sail to the
pigtails. Minor twists at the pigtail attachment point are normal, just make sure that one line is not ran through any of the others before it gets
4) Check to make sure your handles are set up properly and your leaders are all correct.
5) Last thing. You may need to tune your kite to your handles. This is done by adding extra knots on your leaders to adjust the tension on the top
lines and the bottom lines. If you need help doing this, let us know.
If all of those things check out, it may be an issue with the sail. Ozone makes one of the best products on the market and the Samurai is an
excellent kite. I would highly doubt that the sail is messed up, but it could be possible.