Posting Freak
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Registered: 13-2-2009
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weird bridle on hq scout
Flew an HQ Scout today that had the 3rd line go up to the kite, then split ,then thru pulleys on the powerlines then cross over to the opposite
brakeline. After tinkering with it a bit fixing a couple of obvious problems it it flew alright but the bridle/brake lines attached to the trailing
edge were not right. the center ones were sloppy loose and the two or three that attach to the corners of the trailing edge were tight and actualy
tucked the corners in a little. The 3rd line down at the bar had a fair amount of tension not the slack that I would have expected from a 3 line
trainer. The only pic of the kite lines on the HQ site shows pulleys , crossover lines etc. down near the bar not way up in the bridle end. Is this
kite/lines assembled wrong? The kites not mine no pics available.
2.6 , 3.9 , 5.3 , 6.8 PL Vipers
5 , 7.5 HQ Apex II
14m HQ Montana VII
5m naish element
7m ss turbo diesel
10m pansh blaze
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Which model is it? Scout II?
Posting Freak
Posts: 1257
Registered: 13-2-2009
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I dont know. It looked crispy new. There was some adjustment knots up in the bridle that loosened the 3rd line a little but not enough to get rid of
the tightness in the corner lines.
2.6 , 3.9 , 5.3 , 6.8 PL Vipers
5 , 7.5 HQ Apex II
14m HQ Montana VII
5m naish element
7m ss turbo diesel
10m pansh blaze
5m beamer dearly departed into a tree
3 "snowspider" homebuilt kite sleds
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Scout I has the crossover linkage at the control bar end.
Scout II has the crossover linkage at the kite end.
What were the obvious problems that you fixed? Did the owner do any tweaks on his own, prior to this?
Wondering if something along the lines of the thread below happened (check the sub-text in the first post).
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12 - Jesus, does anyone?" - The Body by Stephen King
Posting Freak
Posts: 1257
Registered: 13-2-2009
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Scout II would be the one. Lines 9 at the pulleys were wraped around the pulleys and I changed the knot location at 7 in hopes of allowing some slack
in the trailin edge corners.
It matched the Scout II diagram , checking your linked thread now.
2.6 , 3.9 , 5.3 , 6.8 PL Vipers
5 , 7.5 HQ Apex II
14m HQ Montana VII
5m naish element
7m ss turbo diesel
10m pansh blaze
5m beamer dearly departed into a tree
3 "snowspider" homebuilt kite sleds
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1 skate board with seat on wheels or blades (the c0ckroach)
Posting Freak
Posts: 1257
Registered: 13-2-2009
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I-W thanks for the link all is well with the kite, the HQ video with that young sprout impersonating Chris explained it nicely. I hope the kite's
owner P___ finds this thread and signs in to tell us how his adventure to OBX turns out.
2.6 , 3.9 , 5.3 , 6.8 PL Vipers
5 , 7.5 HQ Apex II
14m HQ Montana VII
5m naish element
7m ss turbo diesel
10m pansh blaze
5m beamer dearly departed into a tree
3 "snowspider" homebuilt kite sleds
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Posts: 452
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Location: Outer Banks of North Carolina
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Mood: Inducing camber
Snowspider: Please note you can move the 2 knots on the bridle independently. I usually try not to choke the kite too much with the 3rd line, so I
keep bridle leg #8 attached toward the end of the bridle. For tighter turning, you can move bridle leg #7 closer to the kite. Hope that helps.
Posting Freak
Posts: 1257
Registered: 13-2-2009
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Very good. The lines and bridles were a more advanced design than I had seen before so I was a little confused. Soooo much better than the old NewTech
Ballistic I learned on.
2.6 , 3.9 , 5.3 , 6.8 PL Vipers
5 , 7.5 HQ Apex II
14m HQ Montana VII
5m naish element
7m ss turbo diesel
10m pansh blaze
5m beamer dearly departed into a tree
3 "snowspider" homebuilt kite sleds
3 homebuilt buggies
1 skate board with seat on wheels or blades (the c0ckroach)