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Author: Subject: Replace Chicken Loop on Apex III


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[*] posted on 6-6-2012 at 11:28 AM
Replace Chicken Loop on Apex III

Has anyone replaced the chicken loop on the HQ Apex III? I don't mean the entire unit, only the bottom loop that is connected to the quick release. I want to take the loop off and make it smaller. Seems like making a shorter loop is easier than getting longer arms.

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[*] posted on 6-6-2012 at 11:51 AM

A quick fix without shortening the chicken loop would be to pick up some 2" or 3" pigtail extensions and put them on your brake lines.This would allow the bar to drop down a little closer to you. You would give up some ability to hog the kite in but flying on hardpack in the buggy I doubt you would ever miss it. Depending on the type of harness you use there may be options there to bring things closer to you.

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[*] posted on 6-6-2012 at 12:15 PM

Originally posted by snowspider
Depending on the type of harness you use there may be options there to bring things closer to you.

Some spreader bar hooks are longer than others and you might be able to find one shorter than the one you are using.

If you decide going with the smaller chicken loop, I would check with Chris who is the VP at HQ Powerkites first.

Can you tell if the rectangular metal block above the chicken loop can be disassembled to remove the current chicken loop?

I don't think HQ makes a smaller loop, but you might want to check if the loop from Best is smaller than your current one.


Kit includes Chicken Loop and Lock. (Retail ($22.99)

Size for the Best loop is listed as 28 cm


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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 10:08 AM

There is a metal pin that connects the loop to the metal block. With a few tools it can be removed without much difficulty. That would be the easy part. Finding or making a suitable replacement may prove to be more difficult. In the end I would be surprised if you could effectively shorten the reach by more than 2 inches this way.

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