Alright, my wife has given me the okay to pursue paragliding lessons and training. This is something i have been interested in for the last several
yrs and have seen on several videos like the DBBB that some of you guys are already doing this or know folks who are. Heres my needs/questions:
1. Please share any info you have on training classes if you know bout some coming up
2. obviously beach and clean wind or no wind is preferred but how safe is it in "dirty" wind assuming the drty is winds blowing 0 and gusting to 8-9
3. If you are currently active in this sport, will you please u2u me your contact info so i can talk to you about it
4. Anybody aware of trainig available in or near Virginia- at least for an introduction and try the kiting side of it- I have found a week long
training in Oregon but before i commit to that would like to check it out a little more locally first
5. know a good forum or website to check for more info like PKF
Is the outfit in Oregon "the Flystyle"?
You might want to talk to Solaris. She is an instructor. She does not stop by here often, but you can reach her at:
She is pretty knowledgeable.
Is it possible to design for strength, if the designer doesn't really understand what strength is?
8m speed wings.
Ozone Samurai 3m
Sky Country Reflex 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10m new 6m!
Sky Country NaSCa 2 11m
Sky Country Alasca 10m - sold
Rhombus Firebee 3m (ret).
Libre Vampir Race Pro 2.6m
Jojo Rage 8m
Make sure you look into Discover Paragliding in Seaside, OR. They are fantastic and have a special place with SOBB kiters (and kiters overall).
Heliboy learned through them and I will as well when I take the plunge in a couple years here.
seems my thoughts of this being an overlapping sport was right on. just got off the phone with the instructor bobalooie found and will be going to
take an intro class sometime next week, if i like it may have to divert some of my kite funds to a new sport/activity
as for the Oregon school, it was fly halo and came recommended by another PPG flyer in VA beach who had taken lessons there, but if i can do it local
that would be even better
I have looked into and the biggest recommendation I received was to find a great school locally. The reasoning behind this was that due to weather it
might take several trips to get the required time in. That being said, discover paragliding in Oregon is just off sunset beach and they can tow you
to elevation for training. That type of setup is a little less weather dependant making it a strong second choice for me. If I lived closer than 6
hours away it would be my first choice.
HQ 1.4m which my 8 and 10 year old fly
Pansh Flux 2m, Legend 3m,
HQ Hydra 300 PZ depower, Neo 8m, 11m
Flysurfer S3 Deluxe 19m, S2 15m
Flexboardz Haize
SIMS snowboard
Crazy Fly 145
alright- big kudos to bobalooie- i had searched and searched and never found the one he found than once i clicked on link could not find anothers but
assuming the weather cooperates i will be taking my first lessonsnext wednesday and its only about 1.5hrs from my house:wee::wee: I cant wait- new
meaning to big air;-) thanks to he guys who sent me u2us and i will keep you posted on howit goes
that flip off bridge...! There's no backup if it an emergency there!?
I think they do have an emergency chute as evidenced by the opening session of the vid when he crashes in the water. He deployed a smaller chute
prior to hitting the water - you can see him throw it out as he spins out of control and later it flaps into view behind the main canopy.
Chute or not, the question begs to be asked even if one has one, can one deploy and allow it to open before hitting ol' terra firma when jumping off a
bridge :o
Depower Quiver: 14m Gin Eskimo, 10m Gin Eskimo III, 6m Gin Yeti, 4.5m Gin Yeti (custom bridle and mixer)
Fixed Bridle Quiver: MAC Bego 400, JOJO ET Instinct 2.5 & 5.5, Lil Devil 1.5, Sting 1.2
Rides: Ground Industries