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Author: Subject: Windwing kites?

Posts: 130
Registered: 18-10-2011
Location: Brookings SD
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[*] posted on 9-9-2012 at 08:21 PM
Windwing kites?

Anyone have any experiance with Windwing kites? Found a 18m somewhat close to me for a desent price. Im looking for a light wind kite for land and water. I have been using a V13 in a buggy and want to try a big LEI in the water.
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[*] posted on 10-9-2012 at 05:52 AM

Hey Ryan,
I never had one but I flew a 12 meter windwing around a year ago. I don't recall what model it was, but it was around a 2008 year kite. Windwing is a sail/windsurf sail maker from Berkley Ca. I was impressed with the kite when I flew it. It was set up as a 5 line very similar to the north rebel. I could tell there was alot of thought put into the design. Sorry for no real specifics in my memory on which kite it was, but I would still stay away from pre 2007 kites.
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Posts: 292
Registered: 5-1-2010
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
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Mood: so want to get out, but no free time :-(

[*] posted on 10-9-2012 at 09:10 AM

Had 06 Rapture2 16.5m +/-One.
Well build, good depower and stable.
Used it in winter as a low wind kite.
Very flat in the middle (6 struts), it felt a lot stronger than 07 Waroo 17m I got after it.

Batwing looks interesting, especially advertised wind range !!

Windwing_Rapture2_sm.jpg - 111kB

Foils: Phantom2 15, Aurora 19 custom, F-1200, S-840, JN Luis 10, JN Randas 8
Inflados: Ocean Rodeo: Flite 17.5m, Rise LW15m, Razor 12m and 10m, Prodigy 7m
Boards: Mako Duke, Mako King, 6'6" Bushman shortned to 5'8"
Land 'n snow: "Tsar" RC2000 Nobile, 150 SantaCruz TT with IceBlade, 159 Mongoose Grand Slalom
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