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Ozone Riot 9m
There's one for sale in my area and I know nothing about them so I thought I'd ask you guys! It's RTF with bar and lines. If I buy it I'd like to
buggy it, maybe even put handles on it. It's for sale for $200, RTF. Seems like a good deal to me, he says there are no rips or tears and the lines
aren't frayed or damaged.
What do you think, buy or don't buy?
MG Croozer
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It definetly seems very cheap if you ask me.
Riots are an intermediate + kite. High power for their size, and pretty lifty too, so it could be a hand full for many people (hense the sale?) Some
people have said theyre blade killers, as they have the lift many people want, as well as high stability. It hasn't really caught on though. They are
good buggy engines though.
To buy or not to buy ?
If I were you, I would be aware that it will be different from your vipers, and if your still up for it, money wise it seems a good deal. (a while
back there was a 5m riot for sale for 200 USD!) Check it out, make sure it's as described, and go from there
Hope this helps,
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I know with my big fat fb 10m kite its too slow in its wind range to fly in small fields and the few times I've built up speed on the besch the
appearent wind factor creates huge side pull and puts me out of business (I'm 155# on ultalight trike w/ barrows). Fish for that information to see if
it will suit your needs.
2.6 , 3.9 , 5.3 , 6.8 PL Vipers
5 , 7.5 HQ Apex II
14m HQ Montana VII
5m naish element
7m ss turbo diesel
10m pansh blaze
5m beamer dearly departed into a tree
3 "snowspider" homebuilt kite sleds
3 homebuilt buggies
1 skate board with seat on wheels or blades (the c0ckroach)
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Thanks for the info guys. I'm thinking that it might be too lifty a kite for me, I'm in it for speed right now so I think I'll start looking for an
intermediate race kite. I think the Reactor 2 is calling my name! I highly doubt I'll get one for $200, though! Anyway, thanks again guys...much
If anybody is interested in this kite, it's on the Portland, OR craigslist.
Let us know how you like it if you buy please
MG Croozer
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Mood: Went kiting....Still suffering from withdrawls
I owned a 7m riot and they are very lifty kites and slower on the turning. I never got to use it in the buggy. I always used it for static and it was
great for jumping. I couldn't imaginea 9m. It would be so lifty smell it would have to be on 25m lines in light very light to bnot get yanked out.
It would be good for freestyle buggy though.
go fly a kite trainer 1.4 m
thunderfoil 9 ft.
Flexi sting 1.7m
Ozone flow 2.0 m
PL Vapor 3.2 m
Ozone Flow 5 m
PLVapor 6.5 m
frenzy 14.0 m