I was going to hold on to my flysurfers for snowkiting but I've decided to let them go if anyone is interested. I have a 12m speed3 in regular fabric
that is in excellent condition and has brand new line set and has been modified to full fifth line safety so it tacos when on the safety line. I did
this because I never liked how the standard FLS depowered the kite it often just made a mess of the lines.
The psycho4 8m is also in perfect condition and regular fabric. I have only used it a couple times on the water in really high winds. It's also a lot
of fun when snowkiting. I think this is the best size in the psycho 4 line up.
The north rebel 2011 10m is also in excellent condition. There are no holes, rips, or any repairs on this kite. It has the original bladder and has no
leaks and will stay inflated for hours. The Rebel is a kite only sale.
If anyone wants photos let me know I can take a couple and post them here or email directly.
I'm looking for $1200 for the Speed3 12m it comes with bar, lines kite and bag.
The Psycho 4 8m I'm looking for $1000 and again this is a complete kite, bar, lines , and bag.
The north rebel 2011 10m I'm looking for $400. This is a kite only sale with original bag and a couple of replacement battens. I do have a 2012 bar
I'm willing to sell with the kite for an additional $250. I don't have a pump to sell with this kite.
Shipping is not included in these prices but is negotiable. Local delivery is possible if your in the Maryland area. I have a paypal account for all
Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.
Scout 3m
Flysurfer Pyscho 4 8m
Flysurfer Speed 3 12m
2012 North Rebel 8m,10m, and 13m
Xenon Rayo 134cm
FlyDoor XL 170x50
Liquid force 5\'10\" quad fin surf board
MBS comp90