Where did your line break?
At the knot?
If so, that's actually a good thing.
Knots are typically the weakest point on a line.
If they blow, it's like the fuse blowing.
Saves everything else, except your dignity.
Simply retie your lines 6 inches shorter and off you go.
Mid-length breaks are symptomatic of another problem.
Often, if a line gets caught on something on the ground, a yank will clear it.
Except that yank can create an abrasion on your line.
That abrasion can eventually break...
While just flying across the sky.
"I didn't do anything... It just broke. Rotten line."
The knots you tie can also effect durability.
I stopped sleeving my spectra lines about 10 years ago.
I tie a figure-8 knot to make my end loops.
Overhand knots aren't good enough.
Haven't had a line failure at the knots since.
I also fly store-bought line sets so I have a constant comparison.
If you know your knots, buy bulk line, tie your own sets and save some bucks.
A lighter line set for light days and a heavier, longer line set for the windier conditions.
Your "trainer" will be even more fun if you put in on handles.
It can do more with more control.
My website ( has a full range of bulk spectra and line sets.
Safen Up! Buggy On!
"Often wrong... Never in doubt"
the coreylama