as you can see is my rearaxle made of 2 parts, wich slide into eachother like a tentpole.
that's why i only have to yake one half away to make the side-ride instead of my normal buggy.
the 'tentpole' axle was a must because of the lenght (165cm) that would not fit into my car in one piece.
the axle is is lowert for about 15cm to create a lower center of gravity.
the aim was to make sure that the centerline of the body of the passenger is exactly above the axle.
for the rest i just build it from my head.
after one tryout i've made the crossbar where you can brace yourself with halfway your upperlegs when you sit on your knees.
total weight is about 10kg extra in comparisment of my standard axle.
the seat is made from a gardenchair folded double and i put some extra pillows in between en sowed it all together.
(i hope i wrote it in good enough englisch for you all to understand what i'm talking about...)
any questions, don't hesitate...
actionmovie wich also can be found in my signature:
here's a great example of funfactor 10 for the kids: