I got to spend an afternoon with a 14m Frenzy, great kite, I was in maybe 8-10mph winds max, lots of power, really smooth on the depower, didn't have
enough wind to really get any lift though, I know I was kissing the bottom end of the wind range, but the kite still flew pretty good. All in all a
nice ride. I'd love to have had the 15mph winds to really test it out though.
Oh yeah, kite also flies fairly well right after you dump tonnes of seawater out of it, flying ok after 5min, by 15min you could barely tell it was
drowned. Sorry bout that Eli.
Sysmic S1 Buggy.
0.7m / 1.4m / 2.0m PKD Buster I
4.4m PKD Buster
10m JoJo RM+
6m Flysurfer Outlaw
12m Ozone Access