Our 2014 Lynx Demos are here at HARDWATER KITING. If you're in the area and want to see what they're all about please let us know.
We've been putting them through their paces and they are proving to be pretty sweet little kites. A little less "tour kite" like than the HQ Apex4
and the Ozone Access. Excellent stability, great power range per size, uber stabile, solid and familiar feel but if you fly it aggressively it jumps
and kiteloops like a dream.
We've been referring to it as a "Cross-tour" kite to our customers and students. The more I ride it the more I like it.:D
Chris Krug-Owner @ Hardwater Kiting. Authorized Dealer of Ozone, Flysurfer, HQ kites.
www.hardwaterkiter.com 603-986-2784