:D i know, that wasn't nice at all hehehe
but yeah, shipping from Canada is always a p i a .... within Canada , not so bad
but international !!!! they see you coming..
hell i sold a kite to a guy in Russia, was going to Moscow, from Canada it was almost 200$ for a 7 to 10 week arrival ??? ( sea turtle express) so i
said the hell with this, crossed over to NY and sent it there for 45$ +- drove up there on a Saterday morning and Thursday the guy called me that the
kite arrives ?????
soooo someone here in CAD is taking advantage .
sold 2 different hings to Kami in japan, the first went Canada turtle express, costs more and took like 5-6 weeks if i remember right, then the second
time, i sent his package via U.S of A with the Russian kite, it cost next to nothing and got there in a couple days ????
as for my kite, i'm debatimng it in my head ... there's a certain reptile i would love to add to my collection
i've never even used it, i just have it because i want it hahahaha, brand new never flown and my favorite colours. Il'l see depends on how much i want
that reptile
8m charger 2
12m charger 2
15m phantom 2
16m venom2
quadrifoil xm
u-turn oxygen2 5.5