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Author: Subject: West coast road trip.
Posting Freak

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Location: Haddam Neck, CT.
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Mood: Elimenate warning signs, Promote natural selection

[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 08:33 AM
West coast road trip.

Sandy and I are planning a trip for later summer into fall. We are flying to Seattle WA. and taking a train trip south to San Diego CA. We plan to stop in a number of places for a day or two rent a car and hope to meet up with people along the way to say hello or maybe fly a kite. So far we are planning on late August or early sept. to start.
So if you think you can handle hanging out with a couple of hobos for a day let me know.
I do plan to bring a couple kites but no buggy. Sadly that would be tough on the plane ride!

HQ ApexII 7.5
Skydog/ SDT2.8, SDT4.0, SDT5.5, SDF3.0

Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
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Posting Freak


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Registered: 11-5-2007
Location: Down on the bayou
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[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 08:40 AM

You should try to make it to SOBB. I'm finally going to make it this year. It's at Seaside Oregon.

Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Location: Sunset Beach OR
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Mood: always ready.... ta buggy

[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 09:51 AM

You should definitely make SOBB a stop. There will be no shortage of buggy's for ya to use.

Libre hardcore (bf\'s and standards) KBSS suspension front end
Pegasus buggy

PKD Combats 2.9,3.5,4.8(proto type),5,6.8,7.2,8.6,10.3,15.4
jojo rm+ 6,7,8
jojo et 2.5m
jojo rs 2.7,3.5
Ariea Raptor 2,3
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Posting Freak


Posts: 4178
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Mood: :-)

[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 03:41 PM

I would be happy to taxi you around Seattle when you fly in. let me know if you need a buggy and kites.:D

Appex buggy, Libre hardcore buggies.
Flexboardz. Blokarts.
PKD Century Soulflys. NPW's. Nasa Stars.
A few other less flown oddballs,
Line sets from 10" to 328" or 2m to 100m.
worlds only AQR that works.
North American distributor for PKD.
"Kite Bugging is not an addiction until you try to quit".
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Posting Freak

Posts: 3950
Registered: 13-10-2009
Location: Haddam Neck, CT.
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Mood: Elimenate warning signs, Promote natural selection

[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 04:41 PM

Thanks Guys Sandy is checking out dates and directions. SOBB would be a cool stop if it works out.
Jeff it would be cool to spend some time with you. Although Rich warned me about your driving on YOUR familiar roads!!! He said don't fall asleep!!

HQ ApexII 7.5
Skydog/ SDT2.8, SDT4.0, SDT5.5, SDF3.0

Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
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Posting Freak

Posts: 3950
Registered: 13-10-2009
Location: Haddam Neck, CT.
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Mood: Elimenate warning signs, Promote natural selection

[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 04:44 PM

Jeff are you planning to go to SOBB? My wife made me ask. You guys understand right? :(

HQ ApexII 7.5
Skydog/ SDT2.8, SDT4.0, SDT5.5, SDF3.0

Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 05:19 PM

If the train is the one I took a long time ago it's called the Starlight Express. Don't expect it to run on time and it will be enjoyable. I found it a bit frustrating on the way down but accepting it would run late made it a joy on the way back up.

I hope to see you and Bob at SOBB but I can't predict my future at the moment.

Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.

Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .

Ken (K2)
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Posting Freak


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Location: Clayton, DE
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Mood: Serious Buggy withdraws!

[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 06:35 PM

Dave, you are going to have a blast if you go to SOBB, such a beautiful beach, the guys are all great, and as long as Jeff isn't on a mission to get to someplace, his driving isn't too bad! :D

For the rest of you on the West coast, don't miss the chance to hang out with one of the East Coast finest! Such an awesome guy to be around. Very laid back and great to talk to. Many years in the kiting world.

Dave have a safe and enjoyable trip!

NAPKA President
US 66

302 480 6008

My ride: GT Rapide
Check out the Wildwood Buggy Bash Facebook page!
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Location: Sunset Beach OR
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Mood: always ready.... ta buggy

[*] posted on 17-6-2014 at 10:43 PM

You should definitely make SOBB a stop. There will be no shortage of buggy's for ya to use.

Libre hardcore (bf\'s and standards) KBSS suspension front end
Pegasus buggy

PKD Combats 2.9,3.5,4.8(proto type),5,6.8,7.2,8.6,10.3,15.4
jojo rm+ 6,7,8
jojo et 2.5m
jojo rs 2.7,3.5
Ariea Raptor 2,3
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Posting Freak

Posts: 3950
Registered: 13-10-2009
Location: Haddam Neck, CT.
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Mood: Elimenate warning signs, Promote natural selection

[*] posted on 18-6-2014 at 03:10 AM

OK another big question for SOBB. Where do you guys stay when there? Is there camping? I will post this on the SOBB page as well.

HQ ApexII 7.5
Skydog/ SDT2.8, SDT4.0, SDT5.5, SDF3.0

Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
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Posting Freak

Posts: 3950
Registered: 13-10-2009
Location: Haddam Neck, CT.
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Mood: Elimenate warning signs, Promote natural selection

[*] posted on 18-6-2014 at 03:32 AM

OK this is coming together like a good "CHOWDA" We will be flying in the week before SOBB and heading up to Bellingham for a few days to visit some family. Then back down to Seattle and on from there.
Rich thanks for the kind words about me. I hope there all not to upset when they find out I'm a jerk!!

HQ ApexII 7.5
Skydog/ SDT2.8, SDT4.0, SDT5.5, SDF3.0

Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
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Location: Florence/Oregon/USA/Earth
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Mood: Just buggy...

[*] posted on 18-6-2014 at 01:44 PM

When you are near Florence Give me a call I'll lend ya my buggy and take you out to the dunes if I'm not working.

\"Well we are all hurtling around in 3 wheeled, tip over prone, non crash tested vehicles with no brakes that we steer with our feet. Just sayin\'.....\" --heliboy50
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Posting Freak

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Registered: 22-3-2011
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[*] posted on 18-6-2014 at 03:10 PM

Did your parole officer okay it for you to go out of the state?

Isn't that how you got into trouble in the first place?

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Posting Freak


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Mood: :-)

[*] posted on 18-6-2014 at 10:48 PM

You think my driving is bad? I will never let my wife drive the motorhome let alone my truck, she drives a Honda Del Sol that is lowered and has a built engine. You should see the looks on the punk boys who try to race here and after she cleans there clock she roles the dark tinted window down and smiles at the dummy as they see they were just beat by a grandma.
Rich, glad you didnt jump out of the window after you woke up.hahahahahahaha
I wasnt planning on going to SOBB but I would be happy to take you and the wife, that way I can prepare you for the Oregon crowd.:D
besides you may need a buggy or quiver of kites. any size, model, brand, color you prefer?

Appex buggy, Libre hardcore buggies.
Flexboardz. Blokarts.
PKD Century Soulflys. NPW's. Nasa Stars.
A few other less flown oddballs,
Line sets from 10" to 328" or 2m to 100m.
worlds only AQR that works.
North American distributor for PKD.
"Kite Bugging is not an addiction until you try to quit".
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Posting Freak

Posts: 3950
Registered: 13-10-2009
Location: Haddam Neck, CT.
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Mood: Elimenate warning signs, Promote natural selection

[*] posted on 19-6-2014 at 04:27 AM

Brian you have me confused with you!! I know every one thinks we're twins.
Jeff we can take a train there I think. Ken says just make sure we don't expect to be there on time. We know all about this as we use AMTRACK here on the east coast and they are either really late or just a bit to early to miss it.
And I met your wife. I can see her doing that!!

HQ ApexII 7.5
Skydog/ SDT2.8, SDT4.0, SDT5.5, SDF3.0

Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
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Posting Freak

Posts: 3950
Registered: 13-10-2009
Location: Haddam Neck, CT.
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Mood: Elimenate warning signs, Promote natural selection

[*] posted on 19-6-2014 at 05:08 AM

Brian the only ones I'm upsetting are my Ex-wife (bonus) and all my Drs. as we have had to move some appointments around. Your Parole officer said you have to stay home. And pick up garbage on Nahant beach for 3 weekends.

HQ ApexII 7.5
Skydog/ SDT2.8, SDT4.0, SDT5.5, SDF3.0

Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
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Posting Freak


Posts: 3760
Registered: 18-8-2009
Location: Poughkeepsie, NY
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Mood: Ready for action !!!

[*] posted on 19-6-2014 at 05:21 AM

Hey Dave glad to see you are not slowing down. Have fun out there buddy. See you in the fall...

You know, with this current Taliban uprising, you might wanna trim that beard... or at least carry your birth certificate !!:D

PL- Aero v1 11m / Phantom 6/9/12/15/18
Ozone Chrono v2 9m
Liquid Force Elite 6.5m
Flysurfer - Peak 3 4m
PKD - Century 2.5m, Soulfly 3.5m
Ted's Profoil-1m/3.5m
Custom NABX Rev
GT Rapide V/VTT-XR+ Special
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Posting Freak

Posts: 3913
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Location: somewhere, far, far away
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Mood: sleepy

[*] posted on 19-6-2014 at 06:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by cheezycheese  

You know, with this current Taliban uprising, you might wanna trim that beard... or at least carry your birth certificate !!:D


Dave's a great guy y'all, ...we met him @ JIBE last year and he's super cool... Always willing to keep your beach chair's company while you're out riding...

Have a great trip Dave!

I'm going to take a nap now
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Posting Freak

Posts: 3950
Registered: 13-10-2009
Location: Haddam Neck, CT.
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Mood: Elimenate warning signs, Promote natural selection

[*] posted on 19-6-2014 at 08:27 AM

I'm not allowed to trim my beard. It's my form of ID. Remember that Greek guy who got his straighten from his hair? I get my sarcasm from my beard. Plus it's almost at a good length again.
Soliver I was happy to keep your chair warm last year. But this year I'm a bit more active. I have been in the buggy quite a bit. And haven't gotten my hair or beard caught in the wheels yet. It could happen soon though.

HQ ApexII 7.5
Skydog/ SDT2.8, SDT4.0, SDT5.5, SDF3.0

Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
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