I have the best luck putting the handles together, sliding the kite killers together over them to the middle, holding the handles by the brake ends,
and wrapping in a figure of eight pattern over and accross the kite killers.
Keep a little tension on the lines as your walk to the kite. It helps to have some weights on the kite, which should be mostly folded by now with the
bridles folded inside. gene9999 is right; passing the handles through a bridle line will really get your undies in a bundle.
When you get to the bridle toggles (sticking out of the folds) secure the lines by slipping them between the handle tops, using the foam padding to
pinch them in place.
With the kite folded into a strip the width of the handle length, roll it up around the handles from the trailing edge to the leading edge so that the
air can get out through the vents.
When you set up next time. Do everything in exact reverse, including unwiding with the same hands. Do not flip the handles around to cast off the
line as you walk. Instead manually unwind with the same hand you used to wind it, and walk backwards away from the kite facing the same way you
walked up to it when winding.
If you unpack and it looks like the lines are twisted, they probably are not, so fight the urge to spin the handles around. Instead, walk back from
the kite to the handles with a pair on either side of you, brake line and power lines running through seperate fingers. If it buches in front of you,
push the "twist" away from you with one hand towards the handles and walk more. When you get near the handles, any "real" twists will be apparent and
can be rectified without creating new twists that wern't there in the first place.
Some treated and colored lines, like the Flexifoil sets, are kind of sticky when new and that will wear off, making it easier over time (note the
stains on your hand)
Using this method, I find I rarely get more than one or two twists, and that is usually from moving the handles around, such as when un-packing at
home for cleaning, etc.
Another nasty thing to happen is getting one handle and lines passed between the power and brake lines of another. If I get more than one of those,
it is often faster to undo one (only) of the lines at the handles and re-route it rather than un-doing a cat's cradle. Especially with those handy
little tabs on the Flexi lines that make it fast and easy to un-do the larks head.