If you look in the video when he looks up at the kite once. The kite is flying forward with the lines crossed. He just spun the bar around once he
got in the air and kept his skis behind him to keep his body facing in the right direction.
Ozone R1 V3 7m
Flysurfer Sonic v3 15m
Flysurfer Speed 3 Deluxe 19m
Peter Lynn Charger 2 12m
Ozone Access Reride 6m
Peter Lynn 2013 Reactor 5.5m
Peter Lynn 2013 Reactor 8.6m
Prism Tensor 5.0m
Here's another gliding video where he glides front first and he just faces forward and has the bar turned opposite where the Red side of bar is on the
right side instead of left.
Good eye ssayre. Still not quite sure how he is able to keep facing forward, when the half twist in his break lines are trying to spin his body back
to the "normal" orientation, with back facing the wind...
2m Radsails Pro (from crazyherb), 2.1m Symphony Beach II (from Amazon), 3m HQ Beamer IV (from K-Bid), 4m Pansh Flux (from garydog), 4.7m Flexifoil
Rage (from mougl), 5.6m PL Twister IIR (from Big Mike), 6m Flysurfer Peak 1 (from Flysurfer USA), 11m HQ Neo II (from kiteplace), 19m PL Venom II
(from Smeagol), MBS Core 95 ATB (from Overstock.com), couple of ROSSIGNOL snowboards w/ SIS "click" bindings
The Chrono is def great for flying, but you certainly need to be, arguably, a pilot first, understand the forward and reverse launch and be able to
Land clean
By the way, there are NO mods to fly forward it is the same characteristics of paragliding
The trick is knowing how and when to spin the body around the bar, or the bar around the body and to control your ground speed pre flight …as that
speed impacts the height and stability you have when in the air
Otherwise? Pull left go left, pull right go right, everything is subtle...... as a harsh "pull" on the steering lines will kite loop you making the
forward glide a reverse glide
Here's another one that shows what he's doing with the bar clearly. When he is flying backwards, the bar is in normal position. Flying forward, the
bar is flipped around. Pascal's video looked like he was flying forward with the bar in the normal position :puzzled: