Around Newport Oregon there are lots of Velella on the beaches the last 2 days.
When the winds are hitting 25 mph then any abnormal high wave will create a 1 foot wide path at the high water line - by 30 mph you get more like a 4
foot wide strip which is a lot of animals.
If you are going to hit these strips try to do it roughly perpendicular - these things are very slippery and you will cross slide maybe 6 inches at
speed if fully powered up which feels weird but is not any problem once you get used to it.
Do not get both back wheels in a wide strip during a turn. I planning on turning just short of them but slipped out too much and managed to turn a 180
into a very impressive 900 - crashed the kite but I was happy to be both in the buggy and upright.
You will have to pick some of these animals out of your buggy seat when you are done. They tend to fly up pretty good off the wheels and will hit you
in the face.
The wind has been a real kick.