Gauging interest as the Speed5 15 is available which I've been waiting for.
Perfect condition, no repairs, spare parts and bag zips all work. Perfectly tuned. Flown mostly on snow and a couple of times in fresh water.
Can take and send pics if interested. This is a GREAT kite. I've only recently tried it on the water and I was VERY pleased with how it pulls so
smoothly through the turns. Boosting- what can you say. I thought the new Speeds would not be out until late in the year and was planning on keeping
this until then. I'm not in any hurry to sell. Would ask $900.
Let me know if you're interested.
Flysurfer Peak 6
Peak4 5m
Flysurfer Speed5 12
Cabrinha Switchblade 5, 8
Slingshot Ghost 6
Spleene Session
Shinn Monk
Naish hover kite
North Sonar (several wings)
MBS Comp 16
Peter Lynn Comp