I have tons of line mount footage that I never get around to editing, but for once...i did. Here's the result (actually had a helmet cam on that day
as well):
Land Quiver: Peter Lynn Lynx 7m, Peter Lynn Leopard 9m, Flysurfer Speed2 6m, Flysurfer Viron 2.5m, Peter Lynn Phantom 12m, Venom 16m
Water Quiver: Ozone Uno 2.5m, Naish Cult 4.5m, Flexifoil ION3 5.5m, 2013 Peter Lynn Escape 7m, Naish Cult 9m, Vari Vulcan 9m, Epic Renegade 11m, Peter
Lynn Escape 11m V5, Maui Cloud 17m
Kiting Toys: Flexifoil buggy (now with kite bike mod), Peter Lynn Buggy, MBS Comp 90 ATB, Flexboardz Haize ATB, home made skates (now with shocks),
skis, snowboard, home made ice skates (3.5ft long), Progressive Phish 136kiteboard, Progressive Phish 3D 141 kiteboard, Peter Lynn Kite Cat, WindRider
16 Trimaran & a variety of bizzare\"work in progress\" contraptions.
A man and his dog, what could be better!
You have some interesting line snagging obstacles along the route...
It's great to see where different folks ride.
Reactors 2.8 3.5 6.9
Peaks 4m 6m 12m
HQ Neo2 11m Ozone Chrono V2 15m WASP 5m
Flexi wide axle w/mids and runners
Skis Nordic skates and winter stuff
Quatro Wing Foilboard Slingshot Foils