While in Texas a couple weeks ago we stopped for lunch at a cafe on Route 66. The door had a sign on it "No shirt, No shoes, NO SERVICE". (Will they
serve me if I forgot my pants in the truck?)
As I walked in my flip flops stuck to the floor and one came off. As I hopped back into my stuck flip flop I looked around at the inside of the place
and ran my hand across a table top while following the hostess. As we sat down I put my elbows on the table and found my right elbow was held hostage
by some sticky goo. No shirt, no shoes, no service took on a completely different meaning. Did they run out of room on the sign to put in "NO EAT...
Not wanting to chance the possibilities we got up and left before the water came.
"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" is a sign that hung above the cash register at a restaurant in Tennessee that served all you can
eat Kentucky Fried Chicken. Added to the bottom of the sign with a red sharpie was "and this means you!". Would this apply before or after we eat?
At a auto repair shop back home was a sign on the counter that said "All t's will be crossed and every i dotted before any work will start after you
have paid in full. I take it the guy has a bit of trouble getting paid after he's finished with the repair.
Contracts are nothing more than a handshake or a 20 page legal document. The idea of doing something with another person can be a great experience or
it could be your worst nightmare.
The little voice in the back of your head tells you "DO NOT" do something or "DO" something. Do you listen? Or do it anyway?
Do you know why it spoke to you? Not always.
One more run down the beach.....
But I need the money.....
No body will find out.....
Should I shoot first and ask questions later.....
Should I sell to this kid?
These are some of the reasons the voice speaks. I'm glad I listened.
Appex buggy, Libre hardcore buggies.
Flexboardz. Blokarts.
PKD Century Soulflys. NPW's. Nasa Stars.
A few other less flown oddballs,
Line sets from 10" to 328" or 2m to 100m.
worlds only AQR that works.
North American distributor for PKD.
"Kite Bugging is not an addiction until you try to quit".