This came up this morning, I would not think too long on this deal. NEW its over $12000.00 for everything.
Not sure about shipping, its well worth the cost one way or the other.
A selection of PKD Race and intermediate handle kites FOR SALE: PKD Combats, various sizes available( 4.8, 6.0, 7.2, 8.6, 10.0, 12.5, good conditions,
15.4 (almost new), fair prices, all kites RTF with handles and lines, a lot of additional accessory, even some Buster kites incl., 1 set of Century
Soulfly (without size 2.8), special colour black/red, great for a buggy, only flown on snow. complete package and everything goes for $2200.
Appex buggy, Libre hardcore buggies.
Flexboardz. Blokarts.
PKD Century Soulflys. NPW's. Nasa Stars.
A few other less flown oddballs,
Line sets from 10" to 328" or 2m to 100m.
worlds only AQR that works.
North American distributor for PKD.
"Kite Bugging is not an addiction until you try to quit".