Randy thats one weird bar. Guess it takes some getting used to one handed is nice though.
Glad you enjoyed the read AC! I found it informative and humorous.
Went to Central Hardware in Brunswick where they have just about anything. They had a nice selection
of implement handles to pick from. Almost nobody carries these any more because the entire tool is cheaper.
Bought a nice hickory hoe handle for $10. Will make two experimental handles.
The hoe handle is ideal because it has an almost a constant diameter of about 1", where the rest of the selection
has varying diameters over it length.
Bought 20' of 3/16 Dyneema braid off ebay for leader lines. Apparently its being use on smaller winches. Has an advertised
strength of 4700 lbs, which I have a hard time believing.
Now its time to build a bar. The one bar I dont have is the type with the brake or main leaders independently mounted on either side of the center
line. Thought I would make one to try. If I use a slip knot on the inside leaders the travel on the brake or main lines can be varied depending on
which way they are hooked up. Depends on the kite I guess.
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