My personal experiences with the radsail line of kites is a pretty favorable one. I have had at one time or another every kite from the 6m on down
(pre the pro series) and I find them to be a very stable and easy to control kite. And for those reasons they make an excellent beginner kite or for
gusty winds.
They also lack power compared to most other kites of the same size. For example, I will fly my radsail 4m when the winds are getting too much for my
3.5 jojo rs. Especially if the winds are squirly.
IMHO for a first 4-line kite they are really tough to beat and if you can get one for dirt cheap (they aren't expensive kites to begin with) then by
all means, grab it.
Libre hardcore (bf\'s and standards) KBSS suspension front end
Pegasus buggy
PKD Combats 2.9,3.5,4.8(proto type),5,6.8,7.2,8.6,10.3,15.4
jojo rm+ 6,7,8
jojo et 2.5m
jojo rs 2.7,3.5
Ariea Raptor 2,3