Flat area 10.1 sqm
Projected 6.3 sqm
Aspect Ratio 4.9
Number of cells 27
Wingspan 703 cm
Center chord 175 cm
Here is a Peter Lynn Charger 10 m size red/grey.
No damage, normal wear, normal light stains, no structural damage to wing or any of the tips. Kite only.
Shipping at actual cost.
Box is approx 20"x15"x12" and weighs approx. 12 lbs.
This link will help determine shipping.
Looking over the photos.... Believe what you know about a kite this age, not what you see! It's okay mind you, just that the pictures make it look
brand new, which it isn't :smug:
Photos taken Sunday, on a recently refinished tennis court at my Apt.
Flying mostly single skins, with some orphans, the American flag, and a PL buggy. US01