If I can add more detail or even clarity Ed's comment.
Put your pointy finger under the top string exiting on each handle. Just rest the exit string ion your fingers. Launch the kite with the strings
sitting on your fingers (big boy launch like you only have one chance). This will, in theory, remove all brake in your kite.
I have two statements for a new kiter.
First - limp-waisted launches will guarantee failure.
Second - the kite is either flying or falling. Keep it flying.
This weekend I watched my brother fly and saw that he was having trouble launching. I told him to immediately turn the kite as soon as it leaves the
ground so that you get wind across the sail immediately.
Going back to #1...launch each time with the goal to get it a minimum of 50 ft off the ground. Launch and it goes 5 ft off the ground means that you
need to move backward 20-30 ft and get it 59ft off the ground every single time. Every time.
I see that I am preaching. Sorry.
Peter Lynn - Resurrected Vapors (thanks to Tenacious Tape): 3.2, 3.8, 4.5, 5.4m. Size 2.3m (dead) - all internal bellows shredded
Pansh - Cerberus - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.5, 9m. (red)
Peter Lynn - Viper - 2.6m
Flexifoil - Rage - Rasta 1.8, 2.5 (dead), 3.5 (dead), 4.7 (v2). New backup of 2.5m and 3.5m.
Ozone - Method 6.5m (w/ Ozone Turbo Bar)
Libre - Bora - Yellow 3.0 & 4.5 (both on their last breath of life)
Peter Lynn - C-Quad - 6.3
HQ - NPW9: 3.4 & 5.3. NPW5: 1.0
Buggies (Kite and Land)
#1 Buggy: Libre Full-Race
#2 Buggy: Peter Lynn Suspension buggy
#3 Sailer: Homemade Land Sailer
#4 Buggy: Windspeed Pro Ivanpah Buggy named Bruce (because he weighs 130 lbs!!)
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