Yes that bar should work with the ranger.
Also, I have a ranger 12 and it's overall.....not garbage but it's close. Try to replace it soon with a better kite. Slingshot didn't make an awesome
kite with the ranger, and it's couples with a bar that is just not safe, so putting the top hat style bar on the ranger 9 would be an upgrade.
When kite is down but can fill and be powered up, be careful when approaching it, or letting others approach it. If I land a foil in the manner you
describe, I walk to it well clear of the lines, and then throw my sandbag on it to keep it down while I begin to pack up. Once it's weighed down, I
would go reset the top hat, then wrap my lines as I walk to the kite, then package the kite and bar carefully, and get it in the bag.
Tide? What's a tide? Man, it's 1000 miles to any ocean.