Absolutely it can happen! I also thought of this idea but never got around to producing the promotional NASA video. We've seen the Greenland kite-ski
expeditions so we know it can be done. If we're given the full funding, may I suggest we design some kind of a lazer mounted turret just in case we
come across aliens.
Let us volunteer our expertise. I've been praying for alien abduction for years, so I'm definitely up for this.
I love the solution. A kite buggy such as the Typhoon is super lightweight, we can make it foldable and the kite can be made from ultralight ripstop.
The air is thinner, so obviously we will need a much larger wing but then we have free rides across the martian surface. Imagine the air-time you'd
get after a jump too!
Definitely need that laser gun. Aliens are sneaky - never know when they will pop up. A nice thing about Mars - the whole planet is like a giant
beach. No trees to kill the wind. Fetches go on for miles or is it kilometers on Mars? Or is there Martian Mile or something.