Copied from old forum:
July 17 2002 by doomwheels
>Every string looks the same length.
Well, there's only one way to know for sure...
Disconnect all four lines from the handles and secure the line ends to a single point (perhaps a ground stake). Next disconnect the lines from the
kite and pull all four lines out tight against the tethered end. Are they all the same length? If not, loosen the loop knots of the longer lines and
adjust them to match the shortest line.
Once all lines are exactly the same length, reattach the lines to the kite and handles noting that the power (top) lines are the heavier/stronger
lines and the brake lines are commonly the thinner/lighter lines.
>The brake wires should it be tight or loose?
When properly adjusted, the brake lines should show a slight bow of slack while the kite is in forward flight and the handles are held in a neutral
position. Too much slack will result in limited responce to braking commands. Look for a balance.
Make brake line adjustments at the point where the brake lines attach to the kite's braking bridles. There should be a series of adjustment knots
there. Start with a point farther from the kite and then move the point closer until you achieve the right length offering smooth forward flight with
a slight bow in the brake lines yet quick response to braking commands.
Good luck,