Well I got my new used kite today!:singing: Lucky for me he sent some wind with it. there has been no wind here for days but today there is only 5-8
vrb.wind. Better than nothing. So besides a little bridle un-tangel I was ready to go. I was unsure of the brake bridle knots though. Anyway took her
out Beautyful kite! I thought it was faded yellow and grey but it turned out to be blue grey black! Nice same as my Bullet.
Not much wind but it is very stable. Turns suprisingly fast when your hard on
the brake.Right to the zenith she went. smooth pull. Very little lufting.It had been flying on two lines and a bar. he had brakes put back on from
flexi. I am flying with four line. The brakes only have one little knot right at the end. But they seemed to be even.All in all
Tomorrow I will be in wind twice as strong so maybe I'll be able to comment more
on lift and such. Thanks all! Short -n- sweet review on Blade 2 6.4.